Discussion for article #240802
In other words, an interview with a priest in advance of the Pope’s arrival that yields little or no new news.
There’s positive news about Hillary, but TPM looks slow to the uptake. Hillary’s numbers are rising. Without Biden entering the race, Hillary’s support rises to 57%. From CNN:
Clinton is backed by 42% of Democratic primary voters nationally, compared to 24% for Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, 22% for Biden and 1% for former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley.
That’s a marked improvement over an early September CNN/ORC poll that found Clinton leading Sanders, 37% to 27%, with Biden at 20%. And Biden’s support comes almost entirely from Clinton’s camp. Without the vice president in the race, Clinton’s numbers climb by 15 percentage points, while Sanders’ increase by only 4 points – giving Clinton a nearly 2-to-1 lead at 57% to 28%, with O’Malley moving up to 2%.
I love Joe. I have voted for him in a primary. But he should stay out and maximize the chance for Hillary to defeat the clown car conservatives.
Such a POTUS tease.
Could someone loan me a new calendar? Mine is broken. My calendar says September 21 – but for some reason, the vice president seems to be operating off a different calendar. I’ll accept used or written-on calendars. Thanks in advance.
I’m sure he’s got a reason for stringing along the media like this, but I don’t know what it is. He’s clearly not going to run. His heart is broken. There’s no strategic reason for it (the way Bernie is trying to influence Sec. Clinton to shift her policies left). And short of a total implosion by Sec. Clinton, he has no chance of winning the nomination.
I love the Vice President, and I still maintain that if I live to be 100, I’ll never see the same level of decency, kindness, genuine human compassion, and selfless public service as I’ve seen in President Obama and Vice President Biden. But he’s not going to run, and I’m not sure why he doesn’t just say that.
What I wonder is: how would the numbers look if the question was Clinton vs. Biden? Who would be the second choice for Sanders supporters?