Sounds like he wants to run for governor during the next round. Hegar was really popular during the last election, she has something special about the way she communicates and interacts with people, and that’s important. She’s also really down to Earth, which goes over well in Texas. If people really get behind her, and if they get the vote out, she has a real shot at winning…Cornyn is vulnerable as the toady behind Trump and McConnell, I don’t think he’s really ready for a contested election.
The announcement came after an awkward moment where Castro told a reporter in an off-record conversation that he wasn’t going to run while that reporter was on a conference call with Cornyn and forgot to mute their line. Everyone heard — including Cornyn, who joked about it during the call.
Source article didn’t mention who the reporter was.
Beto is making a huge mistake by not jumping into the Senate race. He can actually run for both Prez and Senate under Texas law.
Sadly, Cornyn is — on the face of it — not nearly as much of an unlikeable creep as Cruz. Underneath, yeah, every bit of it, but you have to have paid some attention to realize how bad he is. I doubt we will have hit the Texas blue (or at least purple) tipping point by 2020. Hegar has a steep hill to climb, but I’ll certainly support her.
Beto, like the Castros, doesn’t know what he wants.
Thanks for the laugh. I read the source article. So, basically Joaquin Castro and everyone else conferenced in on the call know who the reporter was. And are protecting the unethical lapse.
MJ Hegar is a strong candidate. I think she’ll have a decent chance to win.
Not to mention, having Castro in the House, accumulating experience, Seniority and policy chops is a good thing.
I would have supported Beto in another Senate race if he hadn’t veered into the presidential cluster.
Now that MJ is in, she is the one!
Cornyn doesn’t have the fervent devotion of the far-right slackjaws who adore Trump and Cruz.
Beto doesn’t seem to be getting much traction in his POTUS nomination campaign.
Possibly a better chance than she did in TX-31 where she came damn close.
Several weeks ago, before Beto had announced his Prez run, he was tied 46-46 in a statewide poll with Cornyn. Also, the percentage of voters who said they “didn’t know” enough about Cornyn for an opinion was stunning considering he’s been a Senator since 2002 and was AG before that, and an elected statewide judge before that. Dude has been on the statewide ballot since the '90’s and voters “don’t know” him? And his “unfavorables” were worse than Cruz!
Furthermore, Cornyn has won his Senate races in the Republican-favorite years in Texas of 2002, 2008, and the Democratic bloodbath of 2014. He’s had it easy, and against weak and grossly underfunded Dem candidates. 2020 Texas is a whole different ballgame. He’s is for the race of his life, and national Republicans are going to have to waste precious time and money trying to save Cornyn’s ass. Plus having a woman - and military veteran - candidate in MJ surely won’t hurt.
Eh, it’s very early. Not that I think O’Rourke is really likely to get the nomination, but anything can happen. As Jon Favreau pointed out, at this point in 2004 the leading candidate was Joe Lieberman, followed by Wesley Clark.
2004 seems like such a long time ago now.