Discussion for article #239853
Bobby didn’t get the memo about Obama’s lack of f^cks to give.
BOBBY MaKEs a GOOD pOINT abOUT INJEctING diVISIve TOPICs likE CLIMAte chaNGE intO THE solemn aNNIversaries of Katrina AND of COURse OHbumMER wiLL INGORE BECause scIENCe.
Bobby Jindal is an irrelevant little dweeb.
Little Piyush’s dickishness is coming through strong.
Little Piyush’s very short dickishness is coming through strong.
There! Fixed it for you!
WTF is he talking about?!
I have no patience for right wing nut jobs today. I hope every other sentence in Obama’s speech contains a mention of climate change.
“It would distract from the losses we have suffered”. Way to lead, you bozo, science denying, goober. You are actively advocating against the best interests of your own constituents.
gawd… jindal is such a weaselly little fuck
Yeah, Bobby, let’s make sure we do everything we can to ensure more Louisianans dies from future hurricanes.
It makes you realize what trouble Louisiana is in when Edwin Edwards looks good by comparison to this pathetic fool.
Well, that just cost him his place on the wait-list for tickets to the White House tour - the closest the little poop will get to being in the WH.
Actually, Bobby, nobody believes this, and it’s straw-man bullshit. You’re the one here making politics out of this.
What a sad little turd this guy is.
Piyush can say please, pretty please with sugar on top, but the president will even more forcefully layout how climate change was at the bottom of the storm. The Mississippi rose, and a republican president fiddled and gave no support to the Democratic governor who was pleading for it, but he did send Brownie to the rescue…
Pro-Tip for below, and soon to be below see level states, with histories of strong storms. Don’t elect science deniers.
Jindal is a funny guy.
Of course, he wrote–and publicly released–this letter in order to give him a defense when he’s criticized by rightwing crazies for sitting up there with Obama while the President speaks about combatting climate change.
And, of course, in asking the President not to “insert” climate change into the speech, and referring to it as a liberal activist political agenda, Jindal is himself inserting politics into the event. And I love the way “economic development” isn’t about politics but “climate change” is.
Like I said, a funny guy, and also pathetic.
He does realize he is considered by many in the GOP to be an irrelevant anchor baby.
Man, Jindal is des-per-ate to get his poll numbers back above 1%.
Shorter Jindal: “Please don’t insert any science into your speech. Stick to ignorance and superstition. That’s what people here understand.”