Discussion for article #235546
“There are clear health risks associated with an abortion that could require urgent medical attention. Therefore, it is crucial for providers of abortions in Louisiana to meet any requirements outlined by the Louisiana Legislature…”
Who needs a doctor when one has a Legislature overrun by religious zealots?
What is really sad is these so-called added requirements to insure the womans safety is actually making women unsafe by closing down clinics. All areas where PPH clinics have closed has seen rises in cases of HIV, venereal diseases and lack of proper and affordable cancer screenings. Anti abortionists are some of the lowest forms of human scum.
Good for Governor Jindal! Why, I’d be willing to bet that there are at least two or three other States that have a higher infant mortality rate than Louisiana. Thanks for looking out for our infants, Gov. Jindal!
Lincoln really screwed up in not letting Southern states walk.
The true test of the intent of these regulations is to compare them to other ambulatory surgical centers, where procedures like neurosurgery, gastrointestinal surgeries, eye surgeries, and other much more dangerous procedures are performed.
I haven’t done the research, but I would bet that these non-abortion surgical centers are not required to meet these rigid standards.
Jindal may as well abort himself and get it over with. I’m not saying he’s done, I’m saying that he was never in the cooker.
Rethugs War on Women continues .
They’re humans right up until birth, after which they’re welfare moochers.