Discussion: Jindal On Ore. Gunman's Father: He 'Doesn't Need To Be Lecturing Us'

Discussion for article #241641

If you don’t like it Piyush, you’re always welcome to fuckoff.


"Jindal reiterated his stance Sunday during an appearance on ABC’s “This Week.”

Keep giving the Asshole PRESS.


We need to fix our gun culture. It’s real, the video games and movies are just pretend.


Jindal On Ore. Gunman’s Father: He ‘Doesn’t Need To Be Lecturing Us’

Why not? someone definitely needs a lecture.


Well, somebody needs to take Republicans out to the wood shed on this issue…


Exactly, more guns and/or refusal to discuss because the question will take more than a sound bite is not acceptable…


We need to fix our culture. We need a renaissance of decency."

You first, you shameless pile of steaming, stinking, excrement.


Go f&ck yourself, Bobby.


Umm…yes Bobby, he does need to lecture you…daily I think.
Is the time right yet to discuss gun control, Bobby? Or do we still need to wait?
Trump say we need guns in classrooms: (from CNN)
"Trump added, if teachers or others in classrooms were armed, it could help stop the rash of school shootings.“Had somebody in that room had a gun, the result would’ve been better,” the Republican presidential front-runner said of a recent campus shooting in Oregon. "
He also said he feels more secure when he carries concealed.
Here’s hoping he doesn’t discharge his weapon fumbling for it when bragging.
Here’s the result of his thinking (in my opinion)


Jindal just got ANOTHER 0% in a national poll. He’s got quite a collection. Jindal’s got more ones and zeros in the polls now than the binary code. So why is the media giving this guy the time of day? He is pretty much universally disliked and not respected by anybody. Please networks, use your time better.


Of course this father shouldn’t be lecturing us, everyone knows that’s the job of Bill O’Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Wayne LaPierre


I admit, when I imagine what a “Renaissance of decency” would look like, the first thing I think of is a whole nation full of people who are too scared to go into restaurants, bars, schools, and churches or down the block for a quart of milk without packing major firepower.


This guy is hilarious (although I imagine the citizens of LA don’t think so). Take a look at what the father said:

“How on Earth could he compile 13 guns? How can that happen?” Ian Mercer said on CNN. “They talk about gun laws, they talk about gun control. Every time something like this happens, they talk about it, and nothing is done.”

“I’m not trying to say that that’s what to blame for what happened,” he added. “But if Chris had not been able to get a hold of 13 guns, it wouldn’t have happened.”

Now compare that with the endless moralizing emanating from Windbag Jindal’s mouth. Who is lecturing whom?


I find most of the GOP Presidential candidates to be illogical, hopelessly ideological, and cynical vessels, repeating their silly dialogue-which they don’t believe-in an attempt to fool the public, but this Jindal character is different. He is a vandal. A cancerous, offensive, and degraded human being, and a warning of how despicable one can be if you don’t develop a sense of justice and empathy.

If he fell into a fiery volcano tomorrow, I’m not sure I could even acknowledge his absence.


That’s it, this guy is definitely some sort of contempt fetishist or something. There’s just no other explanation for it. He gets his jollies earning the scorn of an entire largish nation. Makes Vitter’s little quirk seem mainstream by comparison. And one last thing EEEEEEEEYYYYYYYEWWW!!!


“He doesn’t need to be lecturing us. He, by his own admission, didn’t know how his son got those guns, didn’t know how many guns his son had, by his own admission wasn’t involved in his son’s life, hadn’t been communicating with him since he was living with his mother,” Jindal continued. "He doesn’t need to be lecturing us on gun control. We need to fix our culture. "

Chris Harper Mercer was 26 years old, not 15. He, like many young adults, lived several hours away from his father, but communicated with him via phone regularly. And he, like just about everyone I’ve ever known, didn’t share all aspects with his life with his parent. I suspect the reason his father didn’t know about the guns is precisely because Chris knew his father would object. Again, that’s not at all unlike most people who are engaged in behavior they know their parents would find objectionable.

I’m sure Jindal is aware of these facts, but it just doesn’t fit into the culture war narrative he’s trying to create, it doesn’t advance his theocratic agenda. But if Jindal really gave a damn about fixing “our culture”, if he were really so concerned about the parents of young adults monitoring their adult children’s behavior, he’d take Sarah Palin to task for her adult daughter’s decision to once again engage in unprotected, premarital sex that resulted in yet another pregnancy.



His desperation is showing. Every time he gets a headline somewhere, he thinks he’s making progress.

In truth, he is just flailing…


Funny, I was thinking Gollum, too. But I suspect that Tolkien creature had more decency in his crooked little finger than Jindal does in his entire being.

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