Discussion: Jindal: GOP Congressional Leadership 'Fearful' Of Repealing Obamacare

Discussion for article #233803

Don’t these wing nuts ever get laryngitis?


Jindal, a second-term Republican governor weighing a 2016 presidential candidacy,

ROTFLMAO. Thanks for the laugh.

Bobby? What do you call the 50+ votes already taken in the House to repeal Obamacare?

Bobby “Still Not Ready For Primetime” Jindal makes a factually wrong statement, and, probably alienated the GOPers who voted repeatedly to repeal ACA, in the process.

Daily double!


Is he high?


ICYMI, Bobby, GOP Congressional leadership is pretty much incapable of doing any legislating, including passing their own bills. On the contrary, lots of meaningless ACA repeal votes.


Booby, is finding it harder and harder to say radical enough chit to get any attention. poor Booby,


“…[Republican] leadership and other [Republican] members…”

Yes, the Republican Party is rife with liars. Bobby should work harder to displace Boehner and McConnell.

I just don’t get it. Maybe I am stupid? Maybe I am spoiled here in Germany with a functioning government - and i might add, a functioning private health/insurance business? But why would businesses/employers want to be in the business of providing healthcare to their employees? Don’t they have more important things to worry about - like running their businesses? Geez…


“The nation should be like Ouisianna!” Mr. Jindal later added.

@pshipkey You have a universal multi-payer healthcare system. The U.S. does not.

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Bobby, I have news for you. You can publically stomp on the face of a poor, uninsured needy American, but the base will still not vote for you for President. You can change your name, change your religion, match them in cruelty and stupidity, but it’s still not going to happen.


One of those votes you mention took place during the current session, just so, as Boehner (or his spokesperson) said, the freshmen Congressmen could have their chance to act on their promise to work to repeal Obamacare. And now it sits in the Senate, just like all those other bills do, where it will be filibustered. But even if that were not the case, it seems unlikely that Obama would sign such a bill; plus, there’s the other matter of there not being veto-proof majorities in both houses.

So, Jindal is just asking for votes that look good to scorekeepers but mean nothing. For these folks, opposition is a kind of winning, no matter the result of that opposition. I don’t get it. But Jindal isn’t going to win the nomination anyway . . . maybe he thinks he’s winning, too?


They never learn. Is the bubble that thick, that nothing approaching basic math, or even the news, can get through?

The House GOP can’t even partially defund DHS, and Kenneth the Governor thinks that the reason they can’t repeat Obamacare is because they lack fortitude?

Yikes. The country needs leadership, not temper tantrums.


The GOP is still talking about this? The longer people enjoy Affordable Care, the more impossible it is going to be to repeal it. And if they actually do repeal it, then GOP better be ready with armor of steel…


One reason the GOP are fearful of ACA repeal is that they have no"plan B". They know the big insurance co’s would run riot. And very very few would be able to afford insurance let alone any medical care. But the GOP doesn’t even care to think about this.


It is not that they are fearful but they know it’s a waste of time. They simply do not have the votes to override a certain Presidential veto. Besides, the promise of repealing Obamacare keeps the base voting for Republicans, which is all that matters to the leadership.


I once had a growth - on my nose. I had it removed. It never occurred to me to start a club.


Piyush has continuously leveled criticisms at the President, the ACA, Democrats and D.C. in general as “creating a culture of dependency on Washington handouts.”____and that loathsome lil’ creature’s backwoods, Republican controlled, REDneck state receives more than $10,000,000,000 annually from the federal government, and that makes it one of the most dependent welfare states per capita in the country. Wonder why Piyush isn’t leading a charge to refuse every dollar of that “handout”? The pathetic GOP presidential wannabe/neverwillbe’ must wake up every day and thanks Gawwww-ud’ for Mississippi.


The sad fact is, Bobby is what passes for an intellectual bright light in the GOP. Their base will vote for anyone who re-enforces the validity of their conservative correctness.

It doesn’t matter if it’s absolute, fact-free, nonsense. It just has to sound like conservative political talking points.

And THEY’RE the ones who bitch about political correctness.


Yeah, and people are still making money off of it. /Smh

The company pays 1/2 of the premium - listed and taxed as a definable benefit. They don’t do more than that.

What’s with all of the Jindal stories, I am sick of seeing his mug everywhere? In his case it would seem he doesn’t realize that his added exposure is inversely proportional to his being taken seriously as a Presidential candidate. Piyush, go away!!