Discussion for article #238980
Sad but true.
President Carter has no fucks to give, and good on him for saying this.
Good Lord, I love me some Jimmy Carter. He’s a grossly, disgustingly underrated president, and what’s worse is that he’s an underrated human being. The mark he’s leaving on this world is one that too few know of and so many millions will benefit.
Jimmy Carter is perhaps our most successful ex-president ever.
Bernie, can you give Jimmy an important cabinet position? Maybe there’s hope for our democracy yet.
"And the same thing applies to governors and U.S. senators and congress members."
What’s the point of capitalism and the free market if you can’t buy the government you want?
How long til we’ve got people calling for Jimmy’s head because he hates America?
Mr Carter, we never have been a democracy. We are a representative republic.
But I certainly agree:
“Former President Jimmy Carter called the United States an “oligarchy” with “unlimited political bribery,” on a radio program this week.”
Yep. and Trump is proof.
Jimmy is 90 years young. So, trying to buffalo him just isn’t gonna work.
Good on him.
Boy I hope I’m half as sharp as Jimmy Carter when I’m 90. The guy really nailed it.
Well said Plucky. THe is such a great human being.
Cue the howling monkey brigade getting the vapors.
No doubt the True Patriots will call Carter an America-hating liberal and that he should GTFO, America is the greatest country every in the history of the universe. In the next breath they will complain about how America is ruined because of liberals, without any sense of their contradiction.
Imagine the difference in the USA today had Jimmy Carter been reelected in 1980, instead of Saint Ronnie, most famous for Bedtime for Bonzo.
It’s not ISIS that we have to fear. It’s those that bribe and those that take them.
There are so many similarities between the end days of the Roman Empire and our country, it’s really chilling. Caligula would have felt right at home.
Thank you Mr. President! You are one of our few chief executives who consistently speaks the truth. If only more of our countrymen would listen.
He is %100 correct.
?? They blamed him for the financial crisis of 2008, he’s been an “America hating” punching bag since he left office, and even while he was in office.
I heard him Monday (I think) on WBEZ’s Worldview, and he was sharp as a tack. He had equally honest things to say about racism (ETA: esp. re: the criminal justice system) in this country. He’s a great man, which is why the right wing loves to mock him, no doubt.
ETA, again: He also has some wonderful things to say about sexism. The man has grown in his life. Well worth the listen.