Declaring a phony emergency forced the Mexicans to pay for it? Gym is confused. Also , that vanity.wall is is costly, ineffective, immoral and.ugly.
I need more money to build more wall
So they all have to talk like toddlers now, in imitation of Glorious Leader?
Meta-Analysis #23: When the only Sunday tv defender of your stupid policy is this morally compromised and intellectually limited doofus, your policy is in big trouble. Guy does not even own a suit coat.
When they’re sending Jim Jordan, they’re not sending their best people. Or, yikes, maybe they are?
When Mexico bends to DJT’s will and forks over cash to pay for the wall, he can make this claim, until then Jim can go back to rasslin’.
Earlier in the interview, Jordan couldn’t name an example of an instance where, in Raddatz’s words, “a President asked for something Congress rejected, and the President went ahead and said he would do it anyway.”
Um…there are about 20 women out there who told us before the election he does this sort of thing. Definitely a pattern of behavior.
Trump also said that everyone is going to have great health insurance. Would Gym feel the same way if a president, any president declared an emergency like that “to fulfill the campaign promise”?
Congressman Fails at His Job; Enthsiastically Surrenders Power to President
So, it isn’t a national emergency, it is just an election emergency. Does that actually work? I suppose we shall see in the coming weeks.
Typically it isn’t considered a national emergency if a campaign promise goes unfulfilled, Jim.
Yeah, let’s just cut to the chase when Gym is mentioned.
I’m still waiting for some big, beautiful health care that is so cheap, and the postcard I can send my taxes in on. As for Wall, the promise was Mexico would pay for it…that happen yet, Jimbo?
It’s okay. I’m just visualizing all those lawyers and organizations fighting his stupid wall busily writing down their arguments against it helpfully provided by Trump and his minions.
Last I heard of this guy he was covering up for pedophile wrestling coaches.
I am sort of curious just how many Republican congresscritters, people who ostensibly know how these things work, actually think this idiotic strategy is going to work.
Like, yeah, Jim Jordan is dumb enough he probably believes in Finish the Strong Emergency Wall, Sir, Which is Being Built Already, Many People Say and Notice. Anybody else?
Guess nothing has changed.
This is what scares you, the matter-of-fact tone in which this Congressman describes a blatant violation of democratic norms. And I’m afraid far too many of our fellow citizens see absolutely no problem with their man in the WH unchecking the balances to get something they all want. Anyone who has lived in a place where the citizenry has no input and the leadership is unaccountable knows what a dangerous move 45 has made…if only there were a way to impress this upon the people who haven’t had this experience and/or don’t know the history of the 20th century.