She’s found a new grift.
Your feeling of guilt/remorse is showing, maybe?
Too little too late. Maybe Ralph Nader can help you with the fundraiser…
Why? I thought both parties were equally corrupt.
She and her supporters got what they wanted. The oppressive tyrant has been elected while losing the popular vote. The revolution will now come earlier.
Isn’t that what they wanted?
Actually, I think it makes sense coming from her instead of the HRC campaign or the Ds. Better optics, as they say.
Thanks a lot, Jill. Where were you a few months ago when you could’ve dropped out and encouraged supporters to vote Hillary??
She wOn thOsE statEs. And TrUmp stoled theN gReen votE.
Vote third party. Suffer the consequences.
May I respectfully request that Ms. Stein retire from public life to an obscure dacha near the Black Sea?
So much easier not to run against her in the first place. And I thought Stein said Trump was better than Hillary anyway?
Eight years of GWB plus four years of Trump equals the planet is screwed irreparably. This was all not exactly unforeseeable by the Green Party.
Edit: In short, as a supporter of the Green Party’s aims, I am tired of voting every four years to undue the irreparable damage to the planet caused by the Green and GOP parties.
I will agree if Dr. Stein first tells donors where the money will be donated if she doesn’t make her $2 million goal or if the donations exceed the cost of the recount.
Otherwise, as others have pointed out, seems like another grift.
Trump: I agree. As I have been saying, this election is simply rigged. Folks, you cant believe the results. May be Russia did hack it.
Why? I thought she considered Trump and Hillary equally bad.
@carlosfiance And Sanders ran… because the well ran dry at the college Jane ran?!
I believe that Stein, whatever you may think of her politics, ran out of sincerely held political beliefs, and not to get rich.
Clinton, OTOH…
Why isn’t she celebrating? She’s just saved the world from WWIII!
Interesting that her type’s seriously held beliefs are never focused on local elections. That type always wants to go straight to the top.
Oh christonastick, Stein does HRC - and us - a favor by pursuing a recount, and you guys gotta kvetch like a bunch of old folks at the shuffleboard court.
I don’t know about where you live, but the Green Party here fielded candidates for the Water and Sewer District, something our local Republicans never got around to doing.
I agree that this makes for better optics. I also agree that a full review of those 3 states is in order. What is interesting is watching guys like Josh and Paul Krugman bend over backwards to discount the possibility of a hacked election while at the same time advocating a review just so we can put a conspiracy to rest. Like me, I think they are secretly hoping to find a conspiracy. So I say, 'good for Ms. Stein!