I don’t want to see sick violent porn on this site either. I guess that make me a prude.
Disable the ability to post images in the comments (or anywhere else on the site.)
End of problem.
You clearly haven’t witnessed it. This morning I opened up an article on Jezebel to find huge gifs of an arm being cut all over a post about the Littler League World Series.
The spam posts are incredibly graphic and they are everywhere when posted.
That’s the point I think. The trolls at Jezebel want to make the comment section something that has to be avoided. Something unsafe.
I agree with all the posters above that think posting images might have to be disabled for awhile.
Why the hell don’t they track IP Addresses?
As someone who moderates a forum that’s absolutely insane.
I’m guessing you think all porn is sick and violent.
Hardly. But there is that line, it’s not hard for most to understand. Dismemberment, gore, blood, all that kind of stuff? I don’t want to see, especially on websites where it is only there to derail a discussion. See the commenter above for a good description of what they are talking about.
Sounds like 4chan found a loophole and going ham with it.
One last thing, I think Jezebel is fairly sex positive, I don’t read them regularly but that’s the impression I get. Funny that they are the ones targeted with garbage, isn’t it?
This is an interesting story because the reason why the problem exists is because Gawker intentionally does not track their users. That’s often celebrated as a good thing (and helps cut down on ridiculous subpoenas). It does have an ugly side though, see 4chan for an example.
A possible solution here is to have required moderation of new users’ comments (for X days, Y comments or some combination of both). After they have been deemed a non-troll that can go away. No need to track IPs, but much less prone to trolls.
It doesn’t belong where it is not welcome.