Discussion: Jewish Community Centers In 17 States Evacuated Amid Wave Of Bomb Threats

Thanks a lot trump
Remember, donnie, you started this.

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What’s the big deal -it’s just Bannon and his acolytes having a little “good old boy” fun.

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Due to the very real Islamist terror threat In Europe it is not uncommon to see heavily armed police guarding synagogues (like in the attached photo from Austria - a security measure that is easy to afford since there are so few left).

Now in the US Jews are increasingly targeted by the home made Nazi crowd and may require similar protection. I guess Likudniks like Netanyahu will see this as a win-win. They can’t make Israel any safer, but it will look increasingly more attractive the more Jews are targeted elsewhere.

While not having followed this as long as you have I is hard to miss the marked increase in anti-semitism. I occasionally engage on right wing platforms like zerohedge. That site used to be mostly libertarian, but is now fully run over by openly racist and anti-semitic Trumpscum. They think “Jew” is an insult and labeled me one when I trolled them in a comment thread, which was a first, and somewhat ironic, given that I am German.


This shit is so unbelievable. When I think how the entire country mobilized against the Nazis I just find this almost impossible to believe. It wasn’t 100 years ago and WWII vets are still alive. So are Holocaust victims. We’re losing both every day but still, that memory is still alive for most of us.

This absolutely breaks my heart.


Ah…I just love the classics!

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For all the good that will do.

The nation’s new chief law enforcement officer regards bomb threats against Jewish people as a kind of free speech government exists to protect. Some in his administration believe nothing at all needs to be done, considering the threats are against Jews. It’ll keep them on their toes.

That way, they won’t notice him pillaging the nation’s treasury.

So why is it back?

Do you really think he’ll last four years?

I expect his Republican “allies” to impeach him one they think it won’t cause a backlash.

There were plenty of Nazi sympathizers in America in the 1930s. Once the US got into the war, there was no room for that anymore.

I can just imagine that if there was an actual armed conflict between the US and Russia, all the Putin admirers would suddenly and mysteriously vanish.


You’re not allowed at Mar-a-Lago without plastic surgery and fake boobies. Unless you’re a guy. Then real boobies are ok.


Depends whose law and whose order of which you speak. Four years of crazy coming up… The inmates have taken over the asylum, and they have been promised no one will interfere for four whole years.


I’m a woman who
owns half a dozen yarmulkes, has multiple degrees and I dare say knows a lot more about the Israeli-Palestinian situation than little Jared. I couldn’t broker a Middle East peace agreement if you spotted me all of vowels and half the consonants.

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Read something the other day that the neo Nazis who were saluting “Heil Trump” are now disillusioned with Trump on account (in part) of all his Goldman-Sachs (they think Jew whether Jew or not) Cabinet picks. Wonder if the bomb threats will soon be linked to one of these nutty groups.

Our JCC was one of the ones which received a threat. Streams of 2-4 year-old children were led by their teachers to our building and another building on the campus. Women in exercise gear flooded out of the building and at least one poor woman who was in the shower was brought to our building wrapped in a blanket. Fun times.

Oh absolutely. One of my troll activities there was to rub in that Steven Mnuchin had a distinguished GS career, youngest to ever make partner, used to run a hedge fund for Soros and then became a movie producer in Hollywood. All things the rabid alt-right hates.

Inevitably I would get responses that Jews run everything etc. It’s textbook anti-semitsm of the kind the Nazis (the original ones) spouted.

Some clever dude followed me around from thread to thread breaking the news to his fellow travelers that in his mind I outed myself as Jew, and he thought it was just hilarious when I proclaimed to not have the honor to belong to that tribe. So I changed my avatar there to (((Q))).

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Prior to the war the Nazis very much tried to cultivate sympathies in the US and saw natural allies in Segregationists and the Eugenics movement. They were also very fond of Henry Ford and vice versa.

And let’s not forget to give Lindbergh a honorable mention.

Not Putin giving Tillerson the Order of Friendship but
Goering bestowing Lindbergh, on behalf of Adolf Hitler,
the Commander Cross of the Order of the German Eagle.

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I hope they catch these little terrorists and put them in prison for a VERY long time.

Moronic ranting

Ah, I see you are new here.