And so it begins.
Welcome to Donald Trump’s America. Remember, we have four years of this. There will be a constant fucking of non-white and working class Americans in general, and Hispanics and Muslims in particular. The fucking will be so constant that you’ll swear we elected Ron Jeremy.
The Nazi-Emboldener-in-Chief may have to say “Stop it” again, the way he so effectively did against the wave of incidents after Nov. 8.
Right? ThiS iS wHat happens When LibTards are out of poWer. They boMb Jews.
Ivanka, Jared, please comment – your people need you to speak up. Thank you.
They seem to have a higher tolerance for cognitive dissonance than normal people whose heads are capable of exploding. I don’t know what their secret is—extreme self-hate, which ticks all the boxes for me, certainly, or extra-thick skulls—something, at any rate…
Game, set, and match to theghostofeustacetilley.
They are not their people. And Ivanka isn’t really a Jew.
You have to be born that way or something. Gah,
And the money to not worry about this or anything else.
Hmmm … so besides the plastic surgery and fake boobies, are you saying Ivanka is a fake Jew as well?
She converted, which you know, of course. But her husband is, which is going to get interesting moving forward.
Trust funds with attendant NDAs? The results of a lifetime of mindfucking?
I’d say congenital evil, but I’m trying to give the benefit of the doubt. This is supposed to be a happy occasion…
If they really had $10 billion, they could offer the whole pile and it still wouldn’t be enough for me to hang out with people who think I’m a subhuman vermin enemy of the white race. It would have to be 15 or 20 billion before I’d put up with that.
The temple across the street put up flood lamps, cameras, and drive by security. They have no questions about who, only about when.
That’s right! With mazel tov cocktails.
Ivanka and Jared care deeply about one thing and one thing only: Money. They are low-lifes–just like her father. Greed trumps all.
No they don’t hate themselves at all – they are self-serving sociopaths. Nothing touches them. The more condemned they are, the deeper in the Trump bunker they go.
I’m glad to see that we’re all coming together in peace and harmony, now that the “divisive” Barack Obama is leaving office.
His father too. A match made in hell.