57 percent in favor of abortion rights in all or most cases, 40 percent opposed. The word “overreach” comes to mind.
ahhh, the gloating begins.
It does make a nice change from their meretricious persecution/oppression narrative.
Gay marriage will follow suit.
What ye sow, so shall ye reap. It’ll be illegal in Trump states, and many a Trump voter will rue the day she voted for Trump, then go out and do it again…
Shit it wouldn’t surprise me if interracial marriage followed that
Lots of rights will be pulled back…abortion, gay rights, even birth control will be outlawed in the red states. The real question is how far they can push this before the nation snaps back. We’re well past the time where voters will allow the nation to go backwards, and we’ll see a revolt when (not if) they go too far…presuming that voting isn’t messed up so much that the will of the people becomes something to be ignored.
Our nation is in more danger than it has ever been, I really wonder how seriously people will take it.
We can all snark about what the future holds. But is entirely within the power of SCOTUS to take us back to 1950. Or 1920. Hell, 1885 if they want. The Constitution says what it says, and much of it is black and white. Women can vote. Slavery is banned. You can only serve two terms as President. And it takes an Amendment to repeal and Amendment, an exceedingly difficult and drawn out process. But where there is wiggle room to “interpret” what an Amendment means we’re now assured those interpretations will default to what the GOP and wingnuts want. No Amendment granted gays the right to marry, merely an interpretation of one. And a new interpretation can take it away. Which is going to happen. Mark it.
I get your point, but just before I logged on someone on NPR was talking about Margret Atwood’s Handmaid’s Tale, so it was on my mind. Also the way we are going even if it’s written down in black and white the Republicans will try to convince us it’s not.
Just trying to gird my loins so to speak.
After this, the difference between Red States and Blue States will be so pronounced, that maybe, just maybe America as a whole has simply become ungovernable.
Why not let the Red States go off and form their own perfect Union where Putinocracy can reign and we can continue with our Democracy intact?
Confirmation hearings will be very interesting, especially when Senators delve into the nominees views on matters we’ve fought over and thought were settled. They’ll be asked about gay marriage, despite it being legal. And what would be the reason to even ask, if not for plans being laid to challenge it anew? Pick your right earned through the courts in the last 50 years, the GOP Senate will want to revisit those rights and suss out the nominee’s willingness to rescind them.
…grabbing pussy might be legal in 18 months. 2 years later, hearing Jill Stein say that Trump would be a better president than Hillary, still rings as the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.
Actually, I predict a more sinister approach wherein the GOP Senate will strategically avoid asking about those rights, hoping to fly in Trump’s extremist nominee under the radar.
Nominees will coyly argue that prospective or current employers cannot ask about moral or political views.
I wonder how the abortion laws will be worded, as, I could offer my services to fly people to abortion friendly states, which could open up more opportunities for those in need.
The questions will be asked, putting the nominee on notice they’re a priority. Outside the hearing room allies will be depended upon to get the answers and relay them to the appropriate parties.
Will the allies use putters or bats?