Discussion: Jeff Flake's Tax Bill Vote Was Secured With A Flimsy Promise On DACA

I saw that bullshit. I’ve called Toomey but only for the annoyance value. He’s as crooked as a dog’s hind leg.


It’s funny but part of the selling hype for this (said by GOPers and parrotted by partisan “financial experts”) was that the bill was a simplification of the tax system. So they put out a 500 page bill…with handwritten notes, and that nobody is allowed time to review. What we do know is this: it’s not simple, it doesn’t give real tax relief to most Americans, it is grossly underfunded even using magic fairy dust dynamic scoring economics, and it’s about more than just taxes. What makes it desirable?


CBO score just out. $1.5 trillion.

eta: I mean, JCT analysis said $1 trillion, and this projection is even worse by 50%. Oh, and let me add this, some media idiots (Yeah I’m talking about you, Tapper, you should have known better) have started blaming DEMOCRATS for this disaster. SHAME ON THEM.

Final vote. Shame.

Amazingly, that provision was killed (Merkley introduced an amendment to kill it and 4 Rs joined). But the tax scam passed. And look how the major outlets frame this national tragedy as “Trump’s major victory.” This is why they suck.

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I thought they were supposed to vote on this thing tonight. It’s already almost 2AM Saturday. Are they still in session?

They’re skating on some awfully thin ice with this tax bill. If they can’t keep the thing moving forward at a very fast clip, it will break through that thin ice.

It’s not as if passing the thing is going to do them much good, even in the short term. But not even being able to pass tax cuts, after failing to repeal the ACA, would mean they can’t even do the easy stuff. Weighed down by that failure, next on the agenda will be the spending bills and raising the debt ceiling. If they can’t hold the caucus together for the easy stuff, how are they going to get the hard stuff done?

I agree with your assessments, with the stipulation that Flake may indeed have gotten something for his vote - but it has nothing to do with DACA, and it certainly wouldn’t be anything he’d brag about in public. As you said, fig leaf.

Y-e-e-a-a-a-h-h-h-h, Sen. Flake. Did you consider asking Charles Schumer about the value of a promise from Trump?

Look at that. The opposing GOP voices rolled over. Once again.

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Dig deeper on this. There’s something we don’t know at work here. Flake didn’t vote for the bill because of this meaningless promise, he’s either been promised something else or he’s been threatened. The guy isn’t running for Senate again, but he presumably anticipates some post-Senate career in lobbying, think tanks or other GOP satellites.

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Toomey got re-elected because there was enough shaving of votes to put PA in the red column. Most people know he’s full of it. Although the damage has been done. I have no doubts he will be sent packing just like Santorum was. Same thing with Tom Corbett. The issue here in PA is…folks have to experience the BS the GOP comes up with before they toss your ass out.

Yeah. This state (well, most certainly not just us, but…) has this very bad habit of kicking one asshole out and immediately putting another in as his or her replacement. IOW, not exceedingly good at learning… :persevere: This gotta stop already.

There was. And from a republican on the day drumpf took the oath of office. Something about ‘free speech’