What a limp dick
The latest Republican target of President Donald Trump’s public criticism is taking the disapproval with a grain of salt.
ETA. What’s with the “x-boxizing” of some images??. Seems to be an image size-related phenomenon.
Trump’s small Phoenix crowd could help explain Flake’s “shrug”…
No prerogative! No prerogative! You’re the prerogative!
Who are the likely challengers on the D side, TPM?
I think I’ll give him some credit for coming up with a pretty good strategy here. Basically he’s not giving an inch—no wraithing, no groveling. Credit where due. He has various constituencies to keep happy, so he points out common ground with Trump where it exists and draws lines elsewhere. And the “prerogative” dismissal allows him to keep his dignity and air of sensible adulthood. In any conflict with Trump the thing is to avoid being drawn by him into an “I Love Lucy”-style slap fight that makes both participants look ridiculous. Trump has zero dignity to lose so he’s free to take yours if you let him.
Either switch parties or shut up. We don’t want to hear about your “conscience,” because you don’t really have one; you just think it’s a winning strategy. Shrugging off Trump doesn’t show that you’re tough, just stupid to be in the same party as he is.
Ha! I’m feeling grumpy and hating them all today; you’re showing restraint. See, big tent after all. And, for those who missed it, please enjoy sassy Trump. It’s quite wonderful.
Imagine if an African-American President ever publicly flogged Jeff Flake!
Boy are the Republicans running scared from Trump and his insanity and hate speeches and attacks. It certainly sends a clear message to Putin that America is very weak when Republicans are in control of 3 branches of government. Nothing like Party over country. Putin is smart and he will use this to his full advantage by playing to Republicans and their white nationalism while grabbing more territories and more influence for fascist Russia.
Flake, McConnell, Ryan, and the rest send a clear message to Putin…we will support Trump no matter what as long as the Republican ideology is advanced and no matter how it damages America. The party is what matters - that is it!
I was in a rare generous mood; usually it’s me who’s grumpy. We could switch days, you know, keep from getting stale.
Darth Twitter no longer strikes fear into the hearts of men
OT but here in VA, the GOP had to immediately “apologize” and retract their vile tweets against Ralph Northam (running for governor). Northam had come out in favor of removing statutes (a very big deal here in Richmond) and GOP said he’d turned against his own family history.
That’s pretty good, ol’ Sassy Trump. Returning the favor with Your Drunk Neighbor Trump if you haven’t seen it. Also well done and funny.
Oh, those poor Republican boys get so darn flustered when they can’t use words like “Benghazi!” and “emails!” and “corrupt Hillary!” in answer to any and all queries.
If you had a spine and a dick, Flake (the only way his name could more perfectly suited to the kind of person he is would be if it was “Shithead”), your prerogative would be - since you are probably toast, because even if you survive a primary from the right (which you probably will, considering the batshit fucknuts that will run against you), it will damage you so much you have a good chance of losing to a popular Dem in the general, because Trump is about as loved as salmonella and is only going to get worse - to declare yourself an independent and vote against everything Trump wants just to shove it up his ass. But, of course, you are too much of a Koch/Mercer/FoxNews right-wing whore and have been too much of a Trump ball-sucker to ever even think about doing something like that. Better to lose and get that sweet lobbying gig from one of your corporate johns.
But, of course, why should you be any different from your fellow Arizona Senatorial hypocrite, John McMediaMaverick?
Virgina GOP apology: “We are sorry if any race traitors living in the proud Confederate Commonwealth of Virginia were offended by our comments. Please forgive us. Mighty white of y’all!”
He’s in a difficult position, yes? Clearly, a majority of AZ Repubs are turning away from Flake, who’s no McCain when it comes to loyalty from the base. So, if he hammers at Trump, he loses these folks, and if he doesn’t he loses to Kelli Ward anyway. And even if he wins the primary, if the Dems put up someone credible, Flake will lose the election.
Tough spot.
Yep. The putative (Putintive?) leader of my party has a five minute attention span and nothing of substance to say, and he can go yell at a cloud if he likes. I’m running a Senate campaign and I’m busy with my day job, which has me doing more legislating and less Twitter-ranting.
No respect. Sad!
That remark underscores something Trump doesn’t understand, which is how seriously Senators take themselves. They don’t take kindly to attempts by maladjusted newbie Presidents to push them around. I was interviewing a Senator for a news piece a few years ago and he was friendly enough until I asked a devil’s-advocate-type question. Ho boy did the air get chilly fast. They’re big fish. Along with the simply wealthy, they’re our native aristocracy. And Trump should remember they can fire him, not the other way around.