Discussion for article #243315
Another tough decision you won’t have to make, loser.
these proposals could have an impact on the here and now, on people that are really struggling right now.
Jebbie knows all about struggling, don’t you?
No one cares anymore what comes out of your flappy jaws. You and your whole family are an embarrassment to this nation.
Reading articles about men that will never be president opining about events they will never be invited to.
Based on this comment and governor Christie’s earlier comment I’m beginning to think that the GOP defines American Exceptionalism as a daily ride on the stupid bus.
I’d love it if someone would do an article on the economic effects of climate change. There will be some things that benefit the economy, and some that don’t, and though there are some articles out there I have yet to come across one that really lays it out. Missing something straightforward that shows the good and bad, and how much it would really cost, means that someone like Bush can spout nonsense like this and not be called on it. It won’t stop the nonsense (nothing seems able to do that with the Republicans right now), but the average person would at least understand the reality of climate change effects.
Jeb seems like the type of person that’s “not sure” if he crapped his pants.
“I’m not sure I would have gone to the climate summit if I was President today”… “So I’d be uncertain whether I’d attend a meeting like that”
Way to take a bold stand for what you believe in, Jeb!
“So I’d be uncertain whether I’d attend a meeting like that, where it seems like the movement is towards policies that would hurt our economy,” he added.
As opposed to policies that would hurt our planet?
“So I’d be uncertain whether I’d attend a meeting like that, where it seems like the movement is towards policies that would hurt our economy,” he added.
Yes, because when every coastal city is under water in a few years, that will be great for our economy.
I mean…I can’t even laugh at this anymore…it knocks the air out of you.
Duuuuuuuhhhhhhhh. And he’s the “smart” Bush?
Jeb you fucking fool, the economy won’t mean jack shit if you cannot grow food, go outside cuz it’s 125 degrees in Washington DC or breathe. The climate does not give a shit about your precious economy, it’s gonna do what it’s gonna do unless we stop putting carbon into the atmosphere. Three (3) atoms of CO2 per 10,000 atoms is ideal for us. If we raise the content to 6 atoms per 10,000 then we are fucking doomed. And that is science Jeb, not politics. Get that thru your thick republican skull. I know you don’t understand but trust me like you trust what your Koch handlers say.
Better to wait until they are struggling ankle-deep in sea water.
Daddy must be hanging his head in humiliation and mama in the corner weeping. All for a petty snit he’d solely boycott a conference of over 100 world leaders? And he thinks he’s fit to be President and leader of the free world? Pathetic, imbecilic move.
Haha, I though of exactly that: President Not Sure.
Allow me to assist your thinking;
The 1st graph is sea level rise. 3 feet means NYC and Miami are under water. Venice Italy is uninhabitable, London is under water. Bangladesh is gone. Just for starters.
The 2nd graph shows the temperature increase since the industrial revolution when coal began to be used extensively.
Except this Not Sure isn’t by any means the smartest person in the world.
Typical of most Repugs, Jeb and Christie cannot see any further into the future than the tips of their noses. Unfortunately, if any of these jokers get elected all of us, and especially our children and grandchildren will pay the price of their ignorance and gross shortsightedness.
He did.