Discussion for article #239744
Jeb, just shut up! Stop digging.
I guess “smarter older brother” is relative, like Moe vs. Curly.
That headline gave me the first good hard laugh of the day. I swear that could be an Onion headline and not miss a beat.
Wait, I thought we liked Asians. Aren’t they the good minority? I mean except for hogging all the in-state seats at Berkeley and UCLA, obviously.
WOW! i thought the headline was a prank, these fucking idiots just cannot help themselves
And the Rudy Giuliani award for quickest implosion of a supposed front runner goes to.
Never undermisestimate a Bush’s ability to say stupid stuff…with a straight smirk.
Anyone want to bet on which specific minority group the GOP goes after next? Granted, there aren’t that many to choose from any more.
…There’s a big bunch of Marshallese in NW Arkansas…
They’re a possiblity.
It’s been a while since they attacked “Indians” I suppose they’re due. Considering all that sweet sweet government money they get.
You mean the “A noun, a verb, and 9/11” Award?
Is he referring to Michelle Malkin?
Yep it’s a bust of him wearing a Yankees hat.
JEB went on to say, “Now, watch this drive…”
The famous anchor baby of the GOP.
Famous, infamous, yada yada yada.
That was helpful.
Glad you cleared that up for us all.
Ok, it’s official. This clown really doesn’t want to be president. He’s going through the motions to make his old man happy.
Ironic how she attacks illegal immigration.