Discussion: Jeb Bush Wants To 'Figure Out A Way To Phase Out' Medicare

“But that we need to figure out a way to phase out this program for others and move to a new system that allows them to have something – because they’re not going to have anything.”

And that something would be, what?

Why aren’t they going to have “anything”?

Ye gods! Go away, you fraud.


The question to answer is simple: Why? What is wrong with Medicare? What is so bad about it that we should get rid of it, and what, exactly, are you proposing that would be better…or less expensive?

If you simply don’t like it because you simply don’t like it, take a flying leap, because it’s all that keeps many of us alive…and…we DID pay into it, so…we’re entitled to it! Don’t like that. Tough! It’s more cost effective than any private program, so it can’t be cheaper without cutting benefits. Is that what you really want?


Oh baloney. I heard this in 2008.

Ain’t gonna happen. The Ralph Nader days are over. It was the lesson learned.

Keep the government’s hands off my Medicare!!!


Thankfully, no.

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What they say is that there will be no funds to pay their bills, which is true if they keep stealing funds to pay for wars. Their voter base just sits back and watches FOX and so have no ability to distinguish fact from fiction. They believe that SS and Medicare will go broke, and never question why. They have not asked one single question about Bush’s wars that took money off budget from SS. And the media doesn’t educate them either


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In other words: “Don’t worry Seniors, you can still have your Medicare so I will get your vote. Your kids on the other hand… Well, they’re fucked.”.



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So phase out medicare and replace it with…what was the question? Oops!


No one ever in all Jed’s! privileged life has anyone explained to him Medicare and VA health care are operated efficiently with minimum overhead. But yes, let’s ditch them for something private, but first he must reveal what medical insurance companies and hospitals he hold stocks in.


Darr, for what it’s worth I too find myself using the F word more than I used to and more than I care to only because the stupidity of the Rs drive me to it. It’s a kind of venting.

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This is for you Jebby:

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That would mean Poppy ditching the wheelchair, and hopefully the socks.

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Precisely. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: when we took slavery and segregation, etc., from them, their response was “fine, I guess we’ll just have to make you ALL our slaves.”


You nailed that GOP word salad , Eustace. The scary thing is the whole Bush clan thinks this way. By rights everyone 50 and older ought to be incensed by what Jeb is apparently saying. But are there enough sane people who are willing to get to the polls and vote?

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Wow. How cynical. How do you get up in the morning? How do you ever mange to vote?

I think you asked me those questions in another response and I replied as if you were serious and I was reminded by the Snark Master himself what had happened… So, I say, I’m going to bed tonight, a Duxiana by the way, and not getting up until November 9, 2016. When the mail-in ballot comes, I shall shred it.

He did say he would “move to a new system that allows them to have something”. The GOP members of Congress would prefer to give nothing, but I think a President J Bush could talk them into setting up a program that relies on a combination of individual initiative, private charity, and government support (a marker and a piece of cardboard):


Some bleeding hearts would focus on any little negative they could dream up to pin on the new system. They would refuse to acknowledge the huge positives, such as the flexibility of the new system. Patients would no longer be restricted to some set of contracted doctors and hospitals, and they could use their healthcare money as they see fit rather than being restricted to some list of government-approved procedures:



I think the white TeaParty has a reason and will figure out a way to phase out Jeb ! and any other Bush that tries to do away with SS (especially SS Disability) and Medicare.

The GOP’s grassroots base depends on these federal programs to keep most white rural families afloat during the Bush Great Recession. WalMart built its business plan around those monthly checks and pharmacy orders.

Republican policy makers have apparently so sold themselves on the lie that urban blacks are lazy Takers that they don’t realize that working class blacks have always worked two of three part-time jobs to make ends meet. Poor whites overwhelmingly are the largest demographic that seeks and utilizes government programs and services, especially in red states.

I find it odd in the extreme that none of these old white millionaires could have lived in this country all of their lives and not know how life goes on among the poor whites they depend upon at the polls.

Any actual bills sponsored by Republicans like Bush to pull the plug on federal assistance, especially those that worker have contributed into all their lives, will meet with extreme resistance by white Americans. It could be the final straw and sending them back into the arms of the Democratic Party.

The more Bush talks SS and Medicare policy the less support he’s going to have among the GOP’s white base. Ryan tried it in 2012 and it nearly ruined his career nationally.