Discussion for article #231178
It does sound like he’s running - I would never have imagined the country would even remotely consider another Bush for higher office. Maybe the content of those emails isn’t completely flattering and he wants it out now rather than later.
And who gives a rip?
Probably they have been suitably edited for incriminating content, I don’t expect our hawk eyed media
to actually read them. Next we’ll be barraged with the usual “he said she said” style of journalism(!)
instead of anything like real investigative reporting, (are you listening Chuckie T) ?
Not Chuckies job to question. He just reads what’s put in front of him. When I see that name “BUSH” I feel sick to my stomach.
Jebbie’s running and we know that because he’s losing weight. If he could just add a brain . . .
“I’m going to need to lose a lot more weight if I run for president,” Bush chuckled before ducking into his office.
Jebbie wants to be President so he can bury his stupid brother’s crimes.
Just like Dumbya buried his daddy’s crimes.
Stop the Bush Crime Family.
It’s not good for me to hate anyone named bush as much as I do.
Every stinking one of them.
In this house we refer to gwb as Too Stupid, never his name, and that is short for Too Stupid To Be President.
I dunno. I wouldn’t put it past the collective stupidity of American voters to give us another Bush administration. We’re a pro-torture, pro-kill-African-Americans-in-the-street-on-film-and-get-away-with-it-and-then-openly-defend-the-murderers-on-a-Sunday-talk-show type of a country now, you see.
I wonder how many e mails will deal with the 2000 election…and my question for mr. entitled would be: what was the name of your first polo pony.
Please. Those emails have been scrubbed clean, rest assured. Even W. isn’t that stupid. And I have had very little doubt he was running for about a couple of months now. It’s all just a matter of when he announces.
I would rather see the financial statements from his hidden dark money around the world, not to mention all those foreign investors looking to buy him the presidency so business as usual will proceed after de-regulating the word regulate out of this country.
“although many conservatives criticize his positions on [insert everything]”
Sure Bush 3, jump right in. We’ve been six years without a Bush. Show us that our politics are utterly dead and moldering.
The crimes don’t need to be buried. They’re all on display for Americans and the world to see.
Americans: What!? We’re out of beer! THIS is a tragedy!
If I was JB, looking at the rest of the GOP field … why wouldn’t I run?
You are right, of course - What politician releases original communications if there is anything questionable included?
I’d love it if he had some emails from Lois Lerner in that pile.