Discussion: Jeb Bush To Announce 2016 Plans On June 15

Discussion for article #237113

Heart, be still!

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Why would Republicans even consider nominating a man who has taken so long to make up his mind?

What would such a man do when the White House phone rings at 3 AM?


Jeb will announce on the 15th that he’s running for President - of FIFA.

FIFA has clear prerequisites for its Presidents and Jeb has them all…especially the lying bastard and corruption genes.


That Twitter photo is a hoot, like being backstage at a Dagwood Bumstead concert…


We all KNEW,the moment he got into hot water over his breaking campaign finance laws,it would force the little bugger’s hand.
What a phony.



Darth Cheney/Neo-Con news conference to follow.

I thought the same thing too last night after watching Rachel Maddow. But at least America now knows what Jeb looks like when he tells a straight faced lie.

"Governor Bush is thankful for the support and encouragement he has received from so many Americans during the last several months and looks forward to announcing his decision,” Bush spokeswoman Kristy Campbell told the Miami Herald.

All thirteen of them.

I have an announcement to make, today.

drumroll please

I will NEVER, EVER vote for you…NEVER!!!

There, all better.

The “burning” Bush, burning to prolong the failed dynastic leadership legacy! I say NO, HELL NO!


Call his brother…

Let’s just hope that “burning” part is real intense when dude has to take a leak.