Discussion for article #234060
He’s right…and he’s done. Bye, Jeb.
What we need to do is to make sure people pay fines…
Is it too much to hope the Ferguson report will punch a big hole in the personal responsibility myth?
What’s really crazy is that the number of lunatic, bug-eyed teabaggers who will go apeshit over this will be balanced by legions of pathetically gullible Democrats saying “Gee, maybe I could vote for Jeb—he’s a real moderate!”
Spot on.
The good news here is that he’s mostly right on all points. The better news is that it represents the nail in the coffin of his presidential campaign.
Cue the flying howler monkey squad! (And get a big umbrella…)
So, then, Bush just said that the Congressional GOP is not serious or thoughtful on immigration. Excellent.
Fortunately, for him to have access to all those gullible Democrats, he has to pass through the bat-guano gauntlet of the Republican Primaries. He just sealed his fate, in that regard.
“He just sealed his fate, in that regard.”
I suspect you’re right, but maybe he’s thinking that calling the ACA a “monstrosity” will win back the wingnut cred he needs to survive the GOP silly season.
Interesting, isn’t it? - He is all over the map in terms of conservative “principles.”
You could easily be right. By comparison, he’s already the moderate and there’s plenty of “Dems” who secretly want to become Country Club Republicans. And where are the “bug-eyed teabaggers” going to go - back to being preppers? Of course, let’s not forget Hillary Fatigue - and all the Dem men voters who really don’t like her.
Jeb, you understand that to win the GOP nomination, you do have to say that:
“they’re going to be rounded up and taken away.”
Jeb Bush also said that he would repeal President Obama’s executive action on immigration. Jeb Bush is really not that far away from the hard liners. He talks compassion, but everyone knows he will walk the majority of the GOP line.
jinnj. jeb, you do have to say they’re going to be rounded up and taken away.
you also must NOT mention: when? how? what will it cost? how many latino votes will be lost? how many latino voters will be driven out to vote against republicans? how many families will be broken up? who will do some of the jobs they are happy to have that most americans think are beneath them? details. details. details.
Translation: immigrants are welcome to scrub hospital floors, but they have to die in the parking lot.
Serious and thoughtful, especially used in the same sentence. is not something I would equate to the GOP.
AMNESTY, AMNESTY, AMNESTY. There repugs, eat that.
Here in Arizona Medicaid is not now for anyone able bodied enough to be able to work. Doesn’t matter if you have a skill or not, or any other condition preventing employment possibilities. And if one is on Medicaid you can only have it for 5 years max. All thanks to the state budget just passed this morning. The rest of our newly passed state budget is even worse.I guess after the 5 yr limit you are supposed to be either a millionaire or dead.
Jeb there is a path to citizenship for legal immigrants. For those who broke the law there should be no path to citizenship. And yes I do have a plan to deport the illegal immigrants. Simply enforce the current laws. If someone does not have a green card then they don’t work, anyone hiring without a green card can pay a nice big fine. A large number of the illegals will then deport themselves. Those who have real property provide them a shipping container, buy their real property and ship the container where they want it. These actions will save us 500 billion a year.
For those who do not understand the difference between legal and illegal I suggest you return to grade school.
It’s a bizarre gamble if that’s what he’s trying. The Republican primaries are a feverish ultra-nationalist hate-fest. He may also be thinking to sell himself as someone competitive in the general election. The irony being that Republicans, rather than compromising in any rational way, would delight in cutting off their nose to spite their face.