Discussion: Jeb Bush: I Learned From Brother's Success 'Protecting The Homeland'

Discussion for article #236959

Well, the successes clearly are protecting the homeland.

Sure, as long as you’re willing to overlook that little 9/11 unpleasantness.


W was 100% successful. (His presidency started on 9/12/01, right?)


Jeb Bush: I Learned From Brother’s Success ‘Protecting The Homeland’
Answer: Absolutely Nothing, Nothing I Say, Absolutely Nothing.


Sure, Bush kept us secure. And other than that, how was the play, Mrs. Lincoln?

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Yep, that will work…

It would seem that John Ellis has Dana Perino or Ari Fleischman on his staff because they said things along this line, that dubya kept us safe. After 9/11.


When it comes to his brother the more Jebby talks the more stupid he sounds.


IF Jeb Bush is his own MAN(? Why does he KEEP aligning himself with George? Who was it that just said, ‘the Republican brand SUCK"?
9/11 happened on George Bush’s watch, so many have died because of George W. Bush, WORLD economicmelt down happen on his watch,
WE attacked a country that was of NO threat to our country for the first time in history…George W. Bush IS STILL the worst President in our countries’ history and JEB wants to model himself after George? Seriously how CRAZY is Jeb? It must be his sense of ENTITLEMENT because of his last name.

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Maybe he wants to be able to blame W at the next Thanksgiving dinner for being unelectable ?


If 9-11 is his idea of “success” then we definitely don’t need him around. I can hear it now.

"You’re doin’ a great job, Georgie!"


Whenever Jebba opens his mouth I feel like I’m watching SNL.

It is one long stream of stupidity. He’s making Rick Perry look good.

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Your brothers success???

You do remember 9/11? That was your brothers FAIL!! Unmitigated failure where thousands died on American soil.

We have all learned from your brother. NEVER, EVER elect another bush!!!

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Sounds stupid?

Of IS stupid?

So much for jebbie being the “smart” one.

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Yep, George W was great at protecting the homeland. All Osama bin Laden had to do was whup him upside the head with at 2 x 4 and he got right on it. If JEB wants to take lessons from his brother they would be in how not to be President of the United States. The only way to learn from George W. Bush is from his mistakes.


Right, Clinton must have been president on 9/11. These Republicans are all delusional.

Republicans? Learn from past mistakes in judgement? Yeah sure.

Saying that Dumbya “kept the country safe” after 9/11 is like my saying that I’ve been using rhinoceros repellent for ten years and it must work because I’ve never been attacked by a rhinoceros.