Discussion: Jeb Bush Gets Boos At CPAC, Pleads Ignorance On 'Ways Of Washington'

Discussion for article #233773

Ha! So I guess he did not pass Carnival Cruzā€™s call for a Conservative litmus test! Itā€™s fun to watch the 2016 clown car entries try their darnedest to pander to a packed house of rubes and n00bs!

OXON HILL, Md. (AP) ā€” Republicans must not let themselves be tricked into picking a moderate presidential nominee in 2016, by demanding their hopefuls have a demonstrated commitment to conservatism, Sen. Ted Cruz told an enthusiastic audience Thursday.

Cruz, himself a likely presidential candidate, warned activists gathered at the Conservative Political Action Conference near Washington that voters who pick the GOP nominee are likely to hear a similar pitch: ā€œYou betcha. Who-diddley. Iā€™m as conservative as all get out.ā€ But, without naming names, he suggested that many of those likely candidates lacked the record to back it up.

CPAC is such a fun event for the tin foil hat crowdā€¦Senator Jim Inhofe R-Conoco Phillips tosses snowballs in his celebration of Global Weather Change, TheDick and Rummie relieve their days of strangling puppies at the prayer breakfasts, Sarah Palin serves a lunch of word salad, and Carnival Cruz does everything he can to make it all about Carnival Cruz.


Bush boys

The Boos Brothersā€¦


Terrible beginning. Dis immigrants, plead ignorance, nothing left to do but smoke some hash leftover from prep school days.


What sane person would vote for Jeb Bush?


Ugh - did he REALLY think he was gonna get to the top of their list? JEB? Heā€™s lucky they didnā€™t get out the tar and feathers. Hereā€™s a hint, jebbers; this ainā€™t your brotherā€™s GOP.

Hannity threw Bush a bone later when he ticked off a list of
accomplishments on the former governorā€™s record, noting that he ā€œended
affirmative actionā€ and "privatized government jobs.

Huh. Thatā€™s what passes for getting your base energized at Fantasyworld (a/k/a CPAC)


I had heard that a contingent of these wackadoodles was planning to stage a walkout. Did that happen?

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Jeb, the grandson of a senator, son of a CIA chief-UN Ambassador-Veep-President and brother of a president, and a former governor, doesnā€™t know how Washington works?
And heā€™s the smart brother?


ā€œIā€™m not an expert on the ways of Washington,"

Says the son and brother of two presidents. LOL


Always wondered what Barbara looked like before the gender-reassignment surgery.


That story was an eye opener. He even suggested a SCOTUS nominee to GHWB. Cooler heads prevailed.


He doesnā€™t know how Washington works, he claims! Well, he damn sight better start doing some learninā€™ ā€¦ if heā€™s serious, that is (which Iā€™m getting a vibe he, himself, is thinking less and less of the idea). Jeb Bush is not a dumb man, not by a long shot. Unless heā€™s playing dumb for the crowd right now so as to watch the others ā€œFront Runnerā€ themselves then peter out then swoop in at the final minute and show he has some man pants ā€¦ heā€™d come up with serious answers, ones that may sound like hard-to-swallow medicine, not exactly what the crowd wants to hear but are real in that they give balanced, thoughtful responses to direct questions with look at the possible outcomes.

which he summed up as ā€œgrowing the economic pie.ā€

Mmmmmā€¦pieā€¦that grows.


Well, they better get comfortable with him 'cuz heā€™s gonna be their nominee. Period. Live with it.


Oh lord. Another Bush trying to pretend heā€™s just a good olā€™ everyday homegrown Murcan. Just happens to have a senator and two U.S. presidents in his family.


ā€œPerhaps in an effort to prove his conservative credentials on the immigration issue, he told Hannity he wants to achieve a solution in which immigrants ā€˜donā€™t get government benefitsā€™ and ā€˜learn English.ā€™ā€

LOLā€¦ Wrong answer, Jebba Jabba. Let me help you with what they wanted to hear:

ā€œā€¦he wants to achieve a solution in which immigrants ā€˜donā€™t get government benefitsā€™ because ā€˜we only allow white, wealthy people to immigrate here and become citizens.ā€™ā€

ā€œWashington? Why, I didnā€™t even know such a place really existed! I thought I was in Narnia!ā€ - Jeb Bush, The Smart One


Hmm, that sounds suspiciously like redistributing wealth which isā€¦SOCIALISM!!!

Unless, of course, they do it.

Yeah, but I think Barbara STILL has bigger balls than Jeb. But the same vindictive, sociopathic personality.


He said that many Americans ā€œdonā€™t know that theyā€™re conservativeā€ yet
and that the GOP had the policies to attract Latinos and young voters.

Two demographic groups that he will not be getting majorities with. And I donā€™t care how many times he drags his wife and the little brown ones out on the stage to prove it.