Discussion for article #233042
Here we go again. Beltway MSM asshats, bored beyond tears from having to spend eight dreary years of thoughtful good government sniffing after fake scandals and enduring a president who turned out to be right over and over again despite their naysaying, begin the collective project of convincing the swing voting morons that a hard-right movement conservative under the sway of religious fanatics named “Bush” is a moderate Republican.
A grateful nation waits with bait on its breath.
I disagree with folks who believe Jeb Bush has a good shot to win the Presidency. Between 1992 and 2004 we have had Presidential elections with either a Bush or a Clinton as a choice. And if you count the primaries as well, that streak runs between 1992 and 2008, which is 16 YEARS. People are just tired of it.
E-mails…first chapter of a book…How about his tax returns? He going to release those?
There have been 12 years of bush in the presidencies, opposed to 8 with a Clinton, so I’m not counting her out. But it will be important for his opponents to use his dumber brother’s record against him because Bill’s record will certainly be used against Hillary. I think she understands she must align herself with this president.