Discussion: Jeb Bush: Does Anyone Actually Blame My Brother For 9/11?

Discussion for article #241861


Yes! Yes I do!
Much in the same way your own party blames Clinton for Benghazi.

He ignored intelligence, did nothing to increase security, etc. the only difference… A lot more people died and He, Cheney and their minions lied us into decades long wars.


The fact is The Bush Administration was warned by Richard Clark that Osama Bin Laden wanted to attack the United States, but they chose to ignore him because they already had made up their mind on invading Iraq, and that was their top priority.

Could 9/11 been avoided if that had not been the case,we will never know.


One of the follow up questions, besides the fact that GW ignored warnings, is why the need for 8 Benghazi investigations to pin guilt on Hillary.


Does anybody actually blame my brother for the attacks on 9/11?


It’s what he did afterwards that matters.

Oh, like declare war on a second country that did not attack us? Like create a right to torture?




Maybe he could explain all the precautions his brother & Cheney took in response to the numerous warnings they had prior to 9/11. Or, maybe just exactly anything they did concerning terrorism, prior to 9/11. I used to argue with wingnuts years ago about just what the hell Bush was doing about terrorism prior to 9/11. The answer always was Clinton, something something, blowjob, Monica…


Count me in as another who blames George W. Bush for 9/11. Now you’ve covered your ass, indeed.


Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S.

I don’t know if Bush could have stopped it, but, apparently, he didn’t even try.


The question as framed is a red herring, like people are saying he was in on the planning. Typical Jeb BS trying to answer some of the most unanswerable questions possible. But I’ll tell you, never mind the lack of heightened security when it would have been highly appropriate and maybe saved lives and changed history. Never mind the unnecessary wars, hundreds of thousands of lives lost, entire regions thrown into turmoil, the perversion of our own system and values, never mind all that. If he’d simply told that briefer “Thank you” instead of “All right. You’ve covered your ass, now,” we’d remember the fucker differently. So yeah, Jeb, we hold your POS brother responsible for being a historically shitty president in general and for his disastrous response to Al Qaeda’s threat and subsequent attack very much in particular.


Brother Jeb lives in a fantasy world.


He kept the barn safe after the horses were killed until the barn was swept away by the hurricane and the farmer couldn’t rebuild because, with the banking collapse, he was underwater on his barn mortgage…but, he kept himself safe.


A couple of months before the 9/11 attacks, one of the principle opponents to the Taliban in Afghanistan came to the UN and warned the world about Al-Qaida. Additionally, after Bush took office, he rescinded the order to take out bin Laden set down by the Clinton administration. So, yeah, definitely blame Bush.


Sorry Jeb. We do.


Wasn’t their a PDB early August showing OBL intends a strike in the USA? And Bush told the briefer,“alright you covered your ass now get out of here”. And Cheney focused on Iraq and the oil even then, according to Richard Clarke and Paul O’Neil. Bush didn’t cause the attacks on 9/11 but he didn’t do diddly to stop it. Then they lied us into an un-necessary war and continue to lie. Cheney, Wolfowicz, and Rumsfeld should be in the dock at the Hague!


And still Jeb, you and your party blames Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton for what happened in Benghazi. The cognitive dissonance and double speak of the right is mind boggling! These folks have been investigating Benghazi since 2012 in one way o another without being able to identify any wrong doing outside of the well know fact that the embassy personnel had requested an increase in security at the time when the GOP congress, yes GOP, had cut State Department funding. Can anybody truly believe that if 9/11 had happened during the Bill Clinton administration the GOP congress would have not impeach him again for gross negligence? I do not say the George Bush should had been impeached. Reality is that bad things happens. Lincoln had Fort Sumpter, Roosevelt had Peal Harbor, Carter had the hostage crisis. But it is the GOP of the later times that have manage to turn these typy of event into full fledged political crises to achieve partisan political goals that they failed to achieve at the ballot box!


Jeb, your brother was POTUS when the attacks happened…Trump is right about that. But George did choose to ignore the PDB’s saying bin Laden intended to attack us and that the attack was in the the late planning stage. This is public knowledge. The PDB’s exist…Jeb you cannot deny the PDB’s. AND then there Katrina, the anthrax attacks, the DC sniper, the embassy attacks, 2 wars, underwear bomber etc. Does that sound like safety? Maybe YOU, your family and friends are safe buuuut the rest of us? Not so much. One last item Jeb… a lot of us lost a lot of money in 2007-9 BECAUSE of your brother’s economic policies that he himself said were wrong!
So yeah, George dropped the ball.
Jeb, considering the foregoing… would you vote for a candidate who lives in a fantasyland?


State Department memo shows Oedipus Tex and Bliar were planning invasion of Iraq one year in advance. Bliar is in big trouble in UK


Does JEB truly think no one remembers that W ignored what the Clinton Administration warned him about the threat? Wasn’t Sandy Berger’s hair on fire about attacks on the country being threatened? The deeper we are into the 21st century, the smarter I think I am compared to these wretched morons.


JEB! needs to ask the question this way: “If 911 had happened a year earlier, would we still be blaming Bill Clinton for 911 and still be having Congressional investigations about it?” YES! Republicans would.

Also, JEB! needs to read THE LOOMING TOWERS (L Wright) and learn how many different ways the plots could have been foiled. Even AQ was surprised it worked.