Discussion: Jeb Bush: Bill Clinton Made 'Mistake' In Approach To Osama Bin Laden

Only if you include the 9 months before inauguration. Still, more than enough time.

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not a puppet in real life but he played one as Governor of Florida…

what happen at TORO.BORO that was never investigated.

It’s kind of amazing that Jeb got into this unnecessary campaign without a plan for how to address the obvious questions that would arise about his brother’s awful legacy. Though not entirely surprising considering his brother’s track record in Iraq.

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OK, That’s it. You win.
Jeb! you REALLY ARE the Dumber Bush Brother.
It is pathetic how you are flailing on such simple questions, twisting yourself into rhetorical-knots over easy answers in a vain attempt to not offend either your family or your Oligarch Masters.
Give it up buddy. You are done.


Jeb has hit on the perfect election strategy: focusing relentlessly on his brother’s disastrous presidency. My advice would be that after a few more weeks of speaking only about 9/11, he move on to defending the “Mission Accomplished” thing. Next up, Dick Cheney was right to shoot his friend in the face. Then on to the White House!


I guess he takes us for fools. Back in time:


For those around at the time what do you remember? Everything is old is new again sums it up. When Clinton went after bin Laden in Afghanistan with cruise missile strikes the GOP’er went NUTS!!! When it was discovered a purported medical manufacturing plant in Sudan was also being used to make a chemical solely used in Sarin Gas production Clinton bombed it and what do you think happened? There was a cacophony of “he bombed an aspirin factory” outrage from the GOP. That founded on claims by the Sundanese government that it was an innocent facility.

It’s been a long time and the dust has settled. Solid evidence of the Sarin ingredient was found in the dirt in the blast zones but the GOP’er media effort ( the MSM was all in with them ) to go after the Afghanistan bombings shut down Clinton’s effort to get bin Laden. Like all things GOP’er they’ve been very successful in revising that history and Jeb’s remarks are from chapter 1 of that revised history.

The Congressional GOP obstructed a Democratic President in 1998. They shut down ( with the help of the media ) the pursuit of Ossama bin Laden 3 years before 9/11. Why? Because Clinton was a Democrat.


He’s had, what, over a year to figure out how to handle questions related to Iraq, his brother, and bin Laden, and he settles on blaming Clinton?

He’s just not very bright, is he?


Desperate people do desperate things.

They tried that with Bill. How’d that work out?

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Look at his picture and see the face of an oligarch saying you little people don’t know it yet but you are totally fucked.

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Oh God Can you we just discuss free college education and expanding medicare for everyone? Trying to blame a Clinton is just not going to work for a Bush. And I think we all agree that Bill shouldn’t be elected for a third term. Bush was the most fucked up President in my life time. Jeb might seriously consider changing the subject. Regardless of whose at fault, Trump wins.

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as opposed to W being a wild success at dealing with OBL. Jeb is dangerous

Jeb! is very very useful right now. Thank you Jeb!


Right? It makes no sense. He simply isn’t going to win it. From a purely strategic standpoint, I’m not sure how this makes any sense. He is a colossal failure at campaigning.


I can’t bear this guy’s my-brother-saved-you crap. I am sorry to say this but here are my top political priorities, in decending order of priority:

1, Keep this dumbass motherfucker out of the White House.
2. Democrats win,

A lot of Americans are still delusional I realize – believe Bush really is not responsible for 9-11 and he did a magnificent job (didn’t you see his cool megaphone?!) :unamused:

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@AllieBean ean I think it is, actually. Its the long game strategy going on here, and its the only that really makes sense.

Basically, JEB is trying to rewrite the history of his brother’s term. If he can successfully do that, nothing does more for his campaign, and if he fails, his brother’s legacy is the stone around his neck that pulls him down.

You and I may think its a horrible strategy, but it seems pretty clear in retrospect, that its exactly the strategy that JEB has been engaging from the get go. He has embraced with brother at every turn, even going out of his way to re-argue the reasons for going to war in Iraq (It was worth it to take out Saddam), his brother visiting New Orleans for the first time ever since Katrina hit (and then floating the trial balloon of using W on the campaign trail in SC…while SC is underwater from floods).

The only way these things keep happening, is if you are purposely trying to recreate a “W was good” narrative.


He just seems like such a clueless fuckin’ idiot everytime he gets on camera. Like he’s just making it up as he goes, but he can’t remember anything he was told to say and can’t think of anything relevant on his own. Even when he’s reading a script, he got a deer in the headlights expression.

Revisionist history!

Nice try jebbers, but NO!

Exactly right. Wag the Dog was the repeated and constant theme at that time, because blowjob in White House is so much worse than terrorists determined to attack within US.