Discussion for article #236332
Stopped digging with the shovel–
and whipped out a backhoe!
And because this has legs, he CONTINUES to flail. Which is good.
I wasn’t aware our troops wore skirts.
Cause it sure looks like Bush III is hiding behind SOMEthing.
It certainly doesn’t do a greater disservice to the troops than his brother did…
Answering that Iraq question would be a disservice to the legacy of my idiot brother and that war criminal Dick Cheney. We should continue to honor the lie and the clusterfuck that is the Illegal Invasion of Iraq.
.@JebBush: “If we are going to get into hypotheticals, I think it does a lot of disservice for a lot of people who sacrificed a lot.”
TRANSLATION: “Hey, they already got killed for nothing, leave 'em be. Leave ME be!”
I predict Jeb will hang on until the Florida primary, which he’ll lose (along with all the others).
Yes, this has legs–unlike some of the unfortunates that Dubya sent to Iraq. The same ones Jeb is trying to hide behind now. Despicable.
As always, it’s unpatriotic to question a Bush.
It doesn’t diminish anyone to tell the truth. Fighting for your country in a any war justified or not is still fighting for your country. Their service is not diminished at all for knowing what we know now.
For a large man, Jeb tap dances pretty well.
He’s toast–white bread over an open flame.
Lindsey Graham has relinquished the New Miss Teen South Carolina crown to Jebya Bush. Jebya did a great job of appearing thoughtful and intelligent. For more context see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lj3iNxZ8Dww
Also, I recall that even the original Miss Teen South Carolina did a better job than Jebya Bush when she was given a second chance to refine her comments regarding Iraq on a news show the morning after.
The new Miss South Carolina could have used the Rumsfeld comment about known knowns, known unknowns and unknown unknowns.
What about the disservice of sending the troops to IRAQ in the first place?
Are you saying that the other candidates who are saying they would not have gone to IRAQ are dissing the troops?
And it wasn’t exactly their decision. Hiding behind the troops your brother sent into catastrophe on false premises: it’d be comical if it weren’t so disgusting.
Limbs akimbo!