Discussion: Jeb And Mitt Didn't Actually Talk About 2016 At Secret Utah Meeting

Discussion for article #232458

Oh, what a loathsome couple they make.

From their altitude, the 99% look like ants.


oh yeah right okay sure, we believe you.
We were all born stupid and unknowing that u 2 together was just a howdy doody moment in crossing while flying in your lear jets. Which island in the sky did you stop at to chat a little about where the foreign policy on hiding money was best suited in this day and age.
It’s like, hey jeb, where are you hiding yours?
Oh mitt, you know better than I.


Well, if they didn’t discuss running for the Presidency, then they are both disqualified for the simple reason that neither of them has any sense of reality. Really? What idiots! What a mammoth lay blown opportunity.

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No, they did not.

They talked about loopholes in the tax code, debated whether New England Mormon royalty (By way of Michigan, Mexico and Utah.) is above New England WASP old money and who is the more important donors between the Kochs and Sheldon Adelson.


So, they flew across the country to San Francisco - of all places - to chat about football?

Yeah. Right.



“more engaged foreign policy”
GOP-talk for “we need more wars and more innocent and American soldiers dead” instead of all the successes that have occurred during the Obama administration (got Bin Laden, Quadaffi gone, Syria defused, Russia isolated much to the chagrin of Putin’s biggest fans, the GOP).


I thought you said you’d buy some Girl Scout cookies.
Did not.
Did to.
Did not.
Did to.

The End.


They talked about how to minimize the exposure of the other nuts running for the nomination. You need look no further than the Steve King thing that neither Bush nor Romney is attending. It immediately creates the visual that everyone else there is second tier.

The establishment wing wants to be in firm control of this election cycle.This is just another indication of that.


And then they drew straws to see which one would be the VP designate for the other.

Will it be the The Man with No Last Name, or the Corporate Raider of The Lost Ark.

As Dana Milbank once said of Glenn Beck, but I believe it applies here:
“White Horse Prophecy meets horsemen of the apocalypse.”


A long way for Bush to fly for a shoot-the-shit gab.

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Except for the 47%ers - they just look like leeches.

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Yeah, sure.

Well I guess this makes it pretty clear to Cong. King what they meant by “scheduling conflict.”

If it were me, I’d call it a giant Tea Party F…k You Very Much

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Jeb And Mitt Didn’t Actually Talk About 2016 At Secret Utah Meeting

Of course they didn’t since they both came out of it alive. If they discussed 2016 at all, it was about how to get rid of the riff-raff, If the birthers who made such a rancid smell about Obama keep to their flawed logic, many of them won’t be considered eligible for the office: Cruz won’t, Rubio won’t, Jindal won’t. Most of the rest are has-beens who are just in it for the book sales and other grift (Gingrich, Palin, Huckabee). Rand Paul has about as much chance of getting the nomination as his dad did, i.e., none. Sick Rantorum, the self-proclaimed “stupid man’s candidate”, still won’t find enough stupid people with a long enough concentration span to get the nomination and the token minorities (Cain, Carson, West) couldn’t even get a strong plurality of Republcans, let alone a majority. Donald Trump isn’t even worth discussing. That more or less leaves just Romney, Bush, and Christie. Christie is already sunk by a bridge too far and Bush has the baggage of Dubya, which would seem to be an insurmountable obstacle. That just leaves Romney who’s already lost out in two attempts. So it makes sense that they didn’t talk about 2016. What’s there to talk about?


They didn’t talk about it, but it’s all they thought about. Mitt or Jeb running for President; the love that dare not speak its name.

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We talked about which one of us would be best at transferring the remaining wealth to the .0001%.

What an insipid non story. What if anything would they have to say to each other on the topic of 2016?

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“We talked about the need for a more engaged foreign policy,” Bush said.

We bitched about the fact that Obama doesn’t get it.

We need more wars to push money into the coffers of our supporters.