That woman is absolutely vile. She’s a female version of 45.
Tugging is the proper term, I believe.
Companies are driven by nothing but profit. If “doing the right thing” increases sales, they will do the right thing. If advertising on a racist, hate-filled channel increases sales, they will advertise on a racist, hate-filled channel.
“instead of rewarding its anchor for opening a much-needed debate”
“Instead of rewarding its anchor for inciting Fox’s viewer no.1 to belligerent and inflamed behavior”
Jeanine Pirro, Tucker Carlson, and Sean Hannity all use the ploy of attacking and accusing someone in the form of a question. This way they can deny that they were accusing anyone of doing what ever it was they are attacking them on. Just listen to these jerks and how they want to attack, they look into the camera and present to their viewer their criticism by putting what they want to say and for it to stick in the viewers mind these starting words (is, does, are, could, has, who). This is how they can say racist rude and crude things and get away with it on TV.
This gangster witch needs to be locked up for the lies and hate she spews!
Fox isn’t missing a damn thing by shutting her butt down! Is a good thing!
Keep JEANINE THE GANGSTER’s wife off Fox!
LOL. Beavis wrote an editorial in the London Telegraph.
Well he probably hasn’t had his pants pressed while he’s in them in some time so that’s a job she could possibly handle.
In 5 hours and 5 minutes, 21st Century Fox, which owns FoxNews, will be owned by the Disney Corp.
I suspect Pirro’s continued suspension is not a coincidence.
The apparent suspension of Jeanine Pirro is squeezing Fox News Channel in two directions.
actually, the correct word is “from”
The first amendment? Is that the one that guarantees my right to threaten non-believers with my second amendment right to second amendment solutions?
“Were doing this because we love you”.
“This is for your own good”.
“This hurts us more than it hurts you”.
“Maybe next time you’ll think about the consequences of colluding with Russia.”
“Gabriel has tweeted in recent days that she considered SPLC a hate group.”
It’s true; they hate bigoted idiots like Ms. Gabriel.
Because there are no SCOTUS openings at this time.
News Corp (including Fox News) is being spun off of 21st Century Fox.
Since 21st Century Fox will no longer be available to bankroll Murdoch’s ‘news’ operations - perhaps boycotts are having a bit more influence.
Yes. I would say squeezing the network from two ends…
Oh lord. She’s a bigoted btch that jumped the shark. FOX did not give in to the ‘radical Left’. That is such crap. Pirro has the ‘right’ to be a hateful fool. FOX has the right to suspend her and advertisers have the right to pull their ads. Isn’t this country grand?
Let her spend her Saturday Nights trolling for hot dudes in seedy bars.
I always imagine her having Chippendale Dancers holding her cue cards. OH and the one who is holding the card she needs to read is doing that pec-flex (like The Rock) so she focusses on HIM.
Yes, it’s all about the money. Pirro sells her brand of fear. But it caught up with her. All Fox understands is money, so if advertisers pull out because of boycotts, they’ll understand that.