You have to pick your friends carefully, and your vacation spots even more carefully!
It’s like an infectious disease
If you touched the Trumps and the extended family , you’re infected.
A lot of people regretting a lot of shit I suspect
No vaccines for this one
The Trump Stank is pervasive
What does it matter? Trump will just pardon everyone anyways.
Of the attendees at the secret meeting, only George Nader and Mike Flynn, so far as we know, are telling Mueller every word that was said in that meeting. How will we ever find out what happened?
With friends like these, who needs enemas?
Wow, for a place that is not that easy to get too, it seems to be quite a crossroad for the deplorables.
Herpes Derplex
Not sure if anyone - and I do mean anyone - saw the movie “It Follows” a couple of years back. But this administration is basically a political retelling of that concept.
I understand that Cuck Kushner, the National Self-Fellatio Czar and Trump family Pimp and sleazy and corrupt silicone-stuffed First Lady Iwanka Trump are still selling their access to the Presidential Daily Brief to the Russians, Saudis, Emiratis, Israel and China in exchange for money.
Didn’t the GRU teach these guys tradecraft?
and that’s the best part
Mueller always knows the answers when he asks the questions
Truth or Dare
I bet Trump really wishes he never ran for President. He and his cronies would have had smooth sailing as corrupt businessmen forever.
The fact that a shady business deal becomes Treason when you start talking deals of the State vice your golf club seems to have escaped them entirely.
I’m sure they tried.
Teaching a Trumpolino any sort of advanced counter-intelligence skills sounds about as fruitful as teaching a horse general relativity.
Consider how a single person can be involved with so many people, either directly or by association. One tool Trump uses is being exposed to as many people as possible. It is something done on purpose. Hence, Trump is a socialite as is his family. It is a constant and deliberate bit of industriousness on their part, netting like minded or easily manipulated people. Classic networking and marketing. When he has a social affair, it is work, not pleasure for them.
Remember when we used to laugh at Hillary talking about a vast right-wing conspiracy?
Man, that Four Seasons bar must have an amazing beer selection.
Counting the fish in the net.
On this, I’d remind folks that the pardon of D’Souza is no different than the pardons of Libby or Arpaio. They’re constitutionally valid because Trump had nothing to do with their criminal offenses (as far as we know). When Trump pardons someone connected to the Russia investigation and to himself, then we’ll have a constitutional crisis. Trump is just frontin’ here, trying to claim he’s sending signals when he really isn’t doing anything.
It seems as though if you’re a Friend Of Kushner,
You may be foked.