Discussion: Janet Yellen's DC Neighbors Can't Hide Their Contempt For Her Security Detail

Discussion for article #224499

“the resident, who asked to remain nameless because she feared government reprisals,”

All you need to know.


…but if you start an article with “If Janet Yellen’s neighborhood were the location for the next season of “Survivor,” some of her neighbors would be clamoring to swiftly vote her out of their gated community.” you might be confused - this isn’t a middle school paper for your current events class.


I really do feel for these people. Must be so hard to be them when there are so many of us just outside their little domestic paradise.


Her neighbors need to create some more jobs so they can move to a really exclusive 'hood. Obviously not nearly wealthy enough if they have this kind of rif-raf around.


‘One resident was particularly put off by the guards’ “doughnut bellies.”

Snoot a toot a toot toot…


These people defy parody, the snobbery is so out of control.


Bob Mueller…had people who were businesslike, didn’t socialize and waited for him outside the gate," the resident, who asked to remain nameless because she feared government reprisals…

Yes, those sufficiently obsequious gentlemen in Mueller’s detail, who surely don’t have a “doughnut belly” among them or stupid blue uniforms or visible guns (how gauche!), wait outside the gate, which is so much more secure than being within a 1/4 mile of the protectee. Guess which neighbor would be screaming bloody murder if there were an attack in her neighborhood? Then she’d be all, “OMG!! This was so predictable! Why was Yellen so careless as to put us in danger?!! Why weren’t her people right on the premises?!! Why didn’t they know?!! It’s all her fault for being a target, and anyway, I was trying to watch Duck Dynasty. Good thing I have DVR. And she’s a Democrat, so that explains the whole problem!”

While Ms. Motormouth may think her comments are anonymous, I’m pretty sure everyone in the neighborhood knows who’s being quoted.


“Very intelligent and articulate and expressive people live in neighborhoods like ours, and I think sometimes they over-articulate and over-express,”

A WSJ published humblebrag for the ages.


Champagne problems.


The FBI director may have to worry about foreign terrorists, but how many of the domestic stripe want to abolish the Federal Reserve?



*Rich White People Problems


1%er problems.


Is this the kind of hard questions and investigative reporting we have come to expect from our national media or is it just part of the coloring book of rules for News Corp companies?

And some might plan to do it with extreme prejudice.

They’re upset that some pizza eating overweight guys show up in their neighborhood? Did they pass some law against overweight men? I’m sure this “highway beautification” act of outlawing overweight men will go over big with the rest of the D.C. types.

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At the very least, we have an answer to the perennial question, “Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?”

There’s probably someone on her staff right now wishing that they didn’t have too much integrity to foreclose on every one of the jerkwads’ mortgages. (And yes, I know enough about the Fed to know they couldn’t do it directly.)

Just goes to show you can be in the upper class & still lack actual class.


Yeah but it coincides with middle school reasons for hating Yellen’s security.

Pizza, doughnuts and fat bellies are disgusting. Oh wait, we need something with teeth! Like, like, those cameras might be pointed at us!