Discussion: Jane Sanders Half Jokingly Says FBI Should Get On With Clinton Email Probe

Piece. Of. Work.


Ugh, so Jane Sanders is a purveyor of tea party misinformation…


I’m starting to realize why Bernie is such a grumpy old dude.


Passive-aggressive hatchet job as is her wont.

Tax returns.


About those taxes, Jane…

Why does he feel he can ask HRC to go above and beyond regular disclosure that candidates engage in, yet he hasn’t done he minimum. Privileged on many levels.


This is just getting gross.

All you are doing, Mrs. Sanders, is regurgitating Republican talking points at this point. Congrats on that. You know who keeps saying - “she’ll probably get indicted”? TRUMP.

Congrats on being revolutionary progressives. Is this is part of that “revolution,” I’ll keep myself far away.


People often say in jest exactly what they’re thinking but which HALF was the joke?


You think this is a hatchet job or a cheap political snipe? Consider this: if this investigation is hanging over Clinton when she goes against Trump, they will beat that drum until it is drilled into the mind of every voter - and the GOPers will be screaming for blood, as they are now without a closed investigation.

Jane Sanders pointed out that everyone is innocent until proven guilty in this nation, but the media and the GOP do not seem to understand that. If the investigation is over and Clinton is clearly exonerated, the GOP has no weapon to use against her. If anyone should be calling for the FBI to speed up the investigation, it should be Clinton.

You all seem to think that somehow Sanders wants this hanging over a candidate for the Presidency, when if as he has said he will support Clinton if she is the nominee, then you need a reality check. She has shown her innocence in the Benghazi matter before the Congressional committee, but this FBI investigation is hanging over her head like the Sword of Damocles and it is to her advantage to be cleared as quickly as possible so that Trump et al cannot use it against her in the general election. That is what Jane Sanders meant and if you were not so anti-Sanders, you might understand that.

Any candidate would feel the same and any politician worth their weight would not want a candidate that might be taken out of contention at the last minute because of an open investigation or indictment. Any candidate under investigation would want to be cleared as quickly as possible and the fact that Clinton is not demanding this surprises me.

That her opponent’s wife would voice a desire for the FBI to clear her quickly seems to me to be not self-serving on Sanders part, but rather a desire to have a winnable candidate who will not be under a cloud of suspicion going into the general election. That is good common sense and good politics, considering that Clinton’s husband was impeached during his presidency and Trump’s people would take aim at the same kind of possible future for her if she was elected over this investigation. So stop beating up Jane Sanders for pointing out the obvious and asking for a clean bill of innocence by the FBI to shut up Trump before the general election.

Did Ms Sanders graduate with honors from the Ann Romney Charm School?


None of it. This is a headline writer trying to give Jane some cover.

IMO, she is a big part of the problem in Sanders campaign, and combined with Weaver, is where the negative turn started. And the two of them are pushing for a scorched earth policy in the remaining weeks of the campaign.


What are the chances of a Trump Sanders ticket?


Which Sanders - Bernie or Jane?


HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA!!! She was expressing her frustration that the FBI hasn’t told her yet whether Bernie gets to auto-win the nomination by default due to Clinton being indicted. If you missed that then you need a brain scan.

This woman wants to be FLOTUS worshipped like she can already taste it.


Bernie started out on the high road with the “damned emails” but the crowds and a few surprise victories went to his head. He and/or his team started to think he could actually win by being just a little evil. Now that it’s clear he won’t, they’re lashing out, and he’s withholding support for the nominee.

It has been a telling test of character: he failed.


Nothing Burger without Fries. No drink. Thanks for coming.


This is John Judis-level concern trolling, and relies on the very iffy assumption that Jane Sanders gives a damn about anything other than her husband winning.


Except that’s really not what she was doing at all…


What I find “interesting” about Mrs. Sanders talk is that every opinion she expresses it’s “we think” rather than “I think”


The FBI doesn’t have an investigation into Hillary Clinton. They have stated that numerous times.

And yes, the politifact article is referencing a right wing candidate trying to push this lie. Which you are taking and running with hook, line and sinker.

So, given that there is no investigation into Hillary Clinton, Jane is indeed engaging in outright mudslinging. Even worse, she knows the lies she is tossing about are in fact lies.