Discussion for article #245868
I found Madeline Albright’s comments ridiculous and stupid. We should be selecting the best candidate to represent our party, not displaying mindless loyalty to our gender. It was an incredibly stupid and boneheaded move on the part of Albright and the Clinton campaign.
That said, I’m still voting for Clinton because I do think she’s the best candidate for the job. But I deeply resent being told I must vote for her out of loyalty to the sisterhood. That is the worst possible reason to cast a vote, and anybody irresponsible enough to do so should be disenfranchised.
You know what also is “unfortunate and disturbing”. Jane Sanders bank fraud.
This is yet another example of the double standard applied to the two candidates and their supporters.
Susan Sarandon, a Sanders supporter, called women Hillary supporters vagina voters, and it receives no scrutiny:
It’s no different than the lack of scrutiny of Sanders’ so called health care plan, that even liberal economists have said coud not work from a fiscal perspective.
I am a big Susan Sarandon fan, but I wonder: By voting for a male, does that make us men “penis voters?” I hope they stop this silliness – that is beneath them and for the Republicans to do.
one difference though, do you see Hillary putting up websites saying that type of thing and do you see her campaign backing and officially supporting that messaging.
No, I don’t. I doubt she ever spoke with Susan Sarandon, etc., but my gut says she “may have” spoken with Albright. Maybe, I say. Even still, I’m voting Clinton because I really do believe her the better candidate when I take stock of where we are as a nation and the current worldwide issues.
I agree… people should be making decisions on a variety of considerations and gender shouldn’t be one of them…
I’ve said it before that I’m a Sanders fan but I’m also pragmatic… one of the considerations I would make is if I thought that Bernie, as a candidate, might lead to a 3rd party candidacy from someone like egoist Bloomfield…
I can’t stand the idea that an election might swing the wrong way because votes are drawn away for no reason… Ralph Nader’s ego driven campaign stuck us with 8 years of W…
Totally agree. I still believe Nader swung that election. And I’m still pissed at him and his die-hard defenders.
Yes, Albright’s comments were disturbing. Also strangely, politically clumsy and condescending. Donald Trump doesn’t tell angry old white men they need to vote for him because he, too, is an angry old white man; for better or worse, he motivates them by focusing on their concerns. Unfortunately, Hillary Clinton (and surrogate Albright) seemingly don’t understand the need to actually inspire the support of young women. Feeling instead that their support is “deserved” will backfire every time.
Totally with you on that, krusher (even though I’m not part of the sisterhood).
Hillary would make a better president. But she and her campaign seem to channel the tone-deaf patronizing attitude of aging Baby Boomers toward idealistic yet pragmatic and educated younger voters.
When I walked into the voting station here in NH two days ago, I was still undecided. I had made donations to both Hillary and to Bernie and had lawn signs for both in front of the house–I’ve noticed that I was not the only one with both signs. My pragmatic side and pro-feminist side said Hillary; my Jewish ethnic heritage and idealistic side said Bernie. I had been strongly leaning towards Hillary until very recently. I went through something similar in 2008, with Hillary and Obama. But just as Hillary and Bill’s attacks on Obama pushed me into Obama’s arms, their attacks on Bernie have pushed me into Bernie’s arms. Hillary and Company should have learned from Bernie and Barack about not attacking opponents, liberal Dems don’t like attacks on fellow Dems. You’d think they’d a learned–but nooooo… I pulled the lever for Bernie.
PS: I wrote this before reading the comments above. The Hillary fans attacking Bernie’s wife and/or Bernie are doing exactly what will cost Hillary this race. I like Hillary, but every smear told to defend her ends up degrading her campaign. Look at the way Bernie responded to Hillary’s email problem–he helped her rather than attacking. It makes him much more likeable and should be a lesson to the Hillary campaign and supporters.
As much as I hope it ain’t true, I do have a sneaking suspicion that Hillary (or her top staff) already had spoken with Albright prior to her making that statement. I’m a fan of both Hillary’s and of Bernie’s, mostly for all the same reasons.
I had read elsewhere that the comment Albright made was something she has said many times in other contexts. Doesn’t make it any more right or helpful in this context, but I don’t think Hillary knew it was coming – maybe she should have.
Ahhh … thanks for that bit of info. Much appreciated. It makes me feel better. Still voting the same way come November. Hillary is my Lady this go-round.
It goes to the integrity issue, I have no doubt that both candidates have that, but the people chosen by HRC seem more inclined to “traditional” politics.
They say that the President proposes and Congress disposes. We can rest assured that the extreme right wingers in the gop will fully resist any efforts by any Democratic President to move the country forward, thus I give the edge to Sanders because of his vision and singlemindedness, I think he will be a better scold of Congress. However I will happily pull the lever for either one over any goper going all the way back to maybe Lincoln.
In my heart, I pretty much feel the same way. That said, there is this nagging part of thinking and that is the possible shit-storm of “Socialist Eastern Europe/Western Russia Style.” Do you have any feelings about that? (I’m asking seriously, I wouldn’t honestly troll a Bernie supporter because I really do like the man). Thanks.
Putting an entertainment celeb like Susan Sarandon in the same league with Madeleine Albright is rather silly.
Concern about middle America and the Republican attack machine going full “commie” on Bernie was why I had been leaning towards Hillary. But while people may fear the unknown Bernie, they hate hate hate the known Hillary. She could not be but an extremely divisive President, if she made it that far.
I like Bernie as a way to pull Hilary to the left/make her place greater emphasis on the issues he has taken up as major campaign focuses and to Hilary the candidate’s credit I think she has done a pretty good job on that front. Some of her supporters on the other hand have been less than helpful in that regard and their dismissal, for example, of young people’s concerns about run away college costs as wanting “free stuff” are less than helpful for the goal of re-creating the Obama coalition we need to win this thing.