Discussion for article #229175
So O’Keefe claims that he caught Dems agreeing to voter fraud that he suggested? So again, O’Keefe is engaging in criminal activity to show how corrupt Democrats are. Throw that little scumbag in jail please.
Imagine what he might have overheard if he had been allowed to continue wiretapping Mary Landrieu’s office in the Federal Building at 500 Poydras St in New Orleans.
I guess if you want to make an omelette you have to commit a few felonies.
I’ve seen Elementary School drama productions with not only better production values, but also a much more believable script.
James O’Keefe, “journalist”?? Sure, and I’m King of all the Russias. This guy is a fraud himself, long has been and will continue to be so. I’m so glad Corn was on to his ruse, and revealed him to be the biggest rtfkcer since Roger Simon or any of NIxon’s goons. Some “scoop,” James…now go back to Mommy’s basement. She just heated up some Hot Pockets for you, twerp. It is simply to laugh.
“Conservative provocateur” ,maybe but a felon definitely!
O’Keefe even sucks at being a douche bag. If he had any pride at all, he’d disembowel himself in a public place.
I’d like to see what would happen if O’Keefe used those same tactics with some Republican staffers. How come you never target Republicans or conservative groups, huh, James? Afraid of what it might reveal?
Is anyone going to be surprised or dismayed if one day this idiot makes some incredibly dumb “illegal overreach” in one of his moronic stunts - and - is simply seen as engaging in criminal activity & meets his ultimate demise?
Is CrowdFunding someone to break his nose legal?
I’m in for $50.
James O’Keefe looks like Lee Harvey Oswald. Coincidence??
Scummy little weasel. Kinda has one of those faces that you wanna punch( no , I am not advocating violence) I was thinking how he reminds me of the jerk on the playground when I was 9.
You report, we decide
One of the best the repugs can come up with. Mr FRAUD should go to jail.
If this were a truly non-partisan investigation, O’Keefe should have also approached Republican staffers and tried the exact same thing.
Ideally he wants to show that liberals are stealing elections, but since he can’t find evidence of that he has to create a situation to invite them to be willing to commit voter fraud. . . except I bet there are some conservatives who would be willing as well.
I say, “Pay attention, boy, why that there is a scrawny, little old
weasel!”. Ok, mister Leghorn.
the real question here is, who is paying his bills? as far as I know, he has no regular job, so someone has to be covering his expenses.
If that little prick ever walked up to me, I’d seriously kick his ass.
There is no story. Why are we here? O’Keefe has had his 15 minutes.
Are these people even identifiable or are they just fucktards he gave $50 to say what he wanted?