Discussion: Ivanka's India Visit Raises Questions About Her Brand Of Empowering Women

Ivanka Fever !

Hyderabad prepares for Ivanka Trump tour with rainbows and lookalikes
Donald Trump daughter’s arrival in south Indian city sparks loop of Ivanka clips on news and imitation mannequins

Hyderabad police round up homeless people before Ivanka Trump visit
Indian city introduces ban on begging in run-up to business summit featuring daughter of US president Donald Trump

Local peoples opinion


Doesn’t a shot of penicillin cure that? :wink:

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Frankly I’ve never thought of looking up to her for any statement for women’s rights. I don’t think anyone else that I know. I do feel however she has a superb fashion sense and for that reason and that reason only do I have any sense of some sort of respect for her. Her sense of fashion is probably one of the best we’ve had in the White House as far as first lady’s car. She’s right up there with Jacqueline Kennedy. I look forward to seeing how the White House will be decorated at Christmas time. After all isn’t that one of the first duties of the first lady is to make sure that the White House is dressed properly for formal occasions especially Christmas.

She has performed her wifely duties to Donald Trump as window dressing for his arm and window dressing for the lighthouse. I don’t look to her for any other reason of guidance. And I also love the way she has a halo around her face with her pretty brunette hair. Tractive.

do I get this right?

Helpsy Health “We feel that’s it become more about her.”

She will not address the media…

Helpsy may be right?

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Um, Ivanka…(with apologies to Inigo Montoya) I do not think that name describes who you think it does.

Melania is the 1st Lady.

I’m going to just ignore the rest of your “tribute”

Or was this all just snark? In which case, I might give it just a bit less derision.


Baby steps, AP, baby steps.

To be fair, the indian government would be disappearing beggars and doing potemkin infrastructure repair even if she weren’t coming. She’s just the public face of the super-rich.

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Chase off the beggars and fill the potholes, the circus is coming to town.


“It’s now being called Ivanka Trump’s summit. It totally overshadows all our work,” said Sangeeta Agarawal, the chief executive of U.S. startup Helpsy Health. “We feel that’s it become more about her."

Well yeah, they sell their *name* that is their business, it will *always* be about them. Hell, just outside SoHo people are paying them to *remove* their name from a hotel..

Ivanka Trymp doesn't know a damn thing about poverty or suffering. The only women she stands for are rich privileged women like her. She has no point of reference for anything else.

Who else remembers that story she told where her dad told her he had more of a burden than a homeless guy on the street because he (Trump) had wealth to worry about?

Most of us are not stupid enough to believe this crap I hope.
She went on the taxpayers dime as “official Business” and will end up with a deal to expand her own personal wealth.
The only woman ivanka is looking to empower is herself.
It’s what she does, courtesy of her goon father.