She supports children in cages and other acts of terror however.
Ivanka needs to sit down and STFU like a good little Stepford wife/daughter.
Ivanka darling, given how you are now able to visit the White House, I would argue that America is not better than this…
Ivanka Trump On ‘Attempted Acts Of Violence’: ‘America Is Better Than This’
Actually, we are not. We have dropped more bombs on human beings than any other country in history, and we have not stopped.
No democracy, no justice
America is better than this.
America, yes. Trumpophiles inculcated with fear and loathing by the GOP and right wing media, not so much.
Her new public information campaign, hashtag BeBetter, will be debuting next week at H&M’s across the country.
Ivanka; Daddy will you please stop inciting people!
Yeah that ought to settle it.
" attempted acts of violence"
The issue she has is the attempted part.
What about Slovenian Einstein’s?
Your daddy isn’t better than this, Ivanka, so kindly fuck off.
The white nationalist are following her dad’s leadership – she needs to STFU.
It was until your fucking family got ahold of it.
“There is no excuse—America is better than this.”
Well, it used to be.
But you’re right, First Daughter and Lust Object. There is no excuse.
However, there is a reason - that fucking moron daddy of yours, his enablers and his followers all fucking with our democracy and basic human decency, dignity, respect and values.
America is indeed better than this. On the other hand, you, Ivanka, and your ilk are not.
Enemy of the people. That was your dad. Encouraging violence against protestors at rallies. That was your dad. Calling Democrats traitors. That also was your dad. Shithole countries, dehumanizing immigrants. And you did nothing despite knowing where this was going.
This is all on your father, honey. And nothing you or your father or your silicone stepmother or the rest of your family says is going to diminish that truth. I hope you all choke on it.
If Republican candidates actually body-slamming journalists and a tweet-video of Trump pretend-body-slamming a CNN reporter are good … really bombing CNN must be better.
Holy mother of all human waste!
… Is this some kind of spontaneous vomit on your part?
You’ve been spewing this diversionary rubbish on every TMP thread this morning!!