Discussion: It's On: Trump Releases Details About Rival Event To Fox News Debate

Of course Trump is qualified to be President, at least as far as the Constitution is concerned. Whatever Trump’s attitudes towards certain individuals is, Kelly failed to talk about policy with Trump, more content to drudge up a celebrity feud he had with Rosie O’Donnell. I mean, it makes for good theatre, I suppose, and granted that is what Fox is interested in more than talking about real issues, because they aren’t as sexy.

I just struggle to imagine a legitimate journalist asking the sort of lightweight questions Kelly. There are reasons Kelly is not taken very seriously by most media watchers.

She asked him after all he said about woman did he think he had temperament to be POTUS. The answer to that would be NO as he is proving.


Like I have posted several times … in July when Trump announced his run we went thru a worm hole into an alternate universe. It accounts for the strange goings on politically in America.


Don’t worry. I plan to.

However, I can disagree with Trump on most issues and still recognize that Fox mishandled this whole affair, and that this was blatantly an attempt by Fox to capitalize on the ratings coup they thought Megyn-Donald 2.0 would bring.

Folks, these debates are more about entertainment than education, and Fox is perhaps the worst culprit.

I don’t mind seeing them hoist by their own petard, and I sort of admire Trump for having the guts to call them out on their lack of professionalism.

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That is exactly the sort of question that proves my point about Kelly.

NO WAY. I can’t stand anything fox but all she did was call him out on being pigheaded jerk. That’s not unprofessional, thats her job.


Trump is masterful on his use of the media. He will be the elephant in the room as the rest need to make a positive case for themselves rather than just bashing each other.


Disagree. Her job, as an alleged journalist, is to ask impartial questions in order to provide the candidates a forum to share their proposals and plans should they be elected President. Personal attacks have no place coming from the media.

Again, I don’t wish to disparage Kelly, and I realize that there may have been a medical reason for her behavior, but I also think setting up a rematch is all that is wrong with Fox and the desire for having our electoral process devolve into a populist bloodsport, rather than an exchange of ideas.


Fox is a fake news channel. Its reports are are devoid of facts and/or downright fabrications. Its viewers are misinformed and do not vote for democrats.


I would say that Trump is “eligible” to run for president, but not “qualified” to BE president. I’m so sick of hearing all the media outlets constantly talking about Trump, Trump, Trump and how shrewd he is with this move. I agree that whole first Fox debate tried to pit the candidates against each other rather than focus on issues, and was poorly moderated overall. That’s what happens when ratings take precedence over substance.


My take on Megyn Kelly is that she’s actually rather bright, but she is personally very conservative. From what I can tell, she also realizes she fits a certain “type” of eye candy that FOX Entertainment needs to bring in that faction of viewer. Megyn Kelly is sort of an actor, for lack of a better term, and she’s very good in her role. Others at the network–Tantaros, Guillfoyle, etc.–fill similar but less important roles. Kelly interviewed at both CNN and FOX Entertainment, and she’s said that she was glad she was offered a spot at FOX because she personally is more in line with their line of thinking, etc.

I don’t take anything Megyn Kelly does as serious – she’s shown her hand far too often for me to care what she does. Most recently, the Josh Duggar fuckstorm, she made it clear she felt he and his family were being treated unfairly – and her “interviews” with them showed that … she basically gave them a mic and said “speak.” Kelly is not a serious journalist, and shows no sign of even desiring to be.



Would you elaborate on this, please?

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Given Trump’s absence, do any of the second-tier losers get bumped up to the main debate?


I completely agree with you, and it is sad that Fox does such a disservice to their viewers.

I understand why Fox wanted a Kelly-Trump rematch.

I also applaud Trump for recognizing what they were doing, and having the courage to say no.

It is unfortunate that the RNC and other candidates aren’t standing up to Fox, or at least pressuring them to apologize for inserting themselves into the debate they were only supposed to moderate, by issuing childish and juvenile tweets.

Of course, no other candidate can afford to boycott the debate, and the RNC is terrified of offending Fox, so they won’t do anything.

Says a lot about the state of things on the Republican side.


Trump had earlier said he would host an event in Iowa to raise money for veterans in lieu of attending the debate.

I guess the fundraiser for veterans idea didn’t last very long. So what, they’re all LOOSERS!

Where have I heard that expression recently?

As I recall, there was a report back in August shortly after the first debate, that Megyn Kelly may have been struggling with some sort of medical condition, one of the symptoms of which was that she bled. I don’t remember the details, and I think it has been kept under wraps somewhat to protect her privacy, but it may well have affected her ability to do her job effectively. It is notable that Kelly took a leave of absence from her regular duties at Fox for a couple of weeks after the debate to take care of herself.

Someone correct if I am wrong but didn’t Sean Hannity accused of keeping money from events like this?

Trump had earlier said he would host an event in Iowa to raise money for veterans in lieu of attending the debate.

:ok_hand: Extra points just because I am a turtle fan.

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