Discussion: It Was Always Kavanaugh: After Meeting With Kennedy, Trump Was Set On His Pick

President Baby Jailer corrupts everything, everyone, everywhere. Soon, he will reap the whirlwind, a hot, flaming mess of death and chaos, and the deplorables will cheer as they burn into little briquettes.

Dems should impeach Kennedy, just for shits and giggles when they take over Congress, after the earth cools down. Asshole.

Well, we know he doesn’t understand “fidelity.”


"In rare form, Trump reportedly was so invested in building the suspense around the decision … "

Anything for attention. He marketed the whole process like a special episode of his tacky reality show. Don the Con Strikes Again….

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As with any reality TV show, the winner is chosen before the game begins.


Is it too much to hope that Kavanaugh might not completely erase his benefactor’s legacy while he’s alive?

Also, when you think about it, being the swing vote on the Supreme Court is like being one of the most powerful people on the planet and anyone could fill it. Instead of tailoring their arguments to Kennedy, lawyers could be laser focused on Kavanaugh–or Roberts–whoever wants to step up and take this plum position.

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Trump spent the most time with Kavanaugh out of the other three candidates — he was interviewed at least twice — and was impressed with Kavanaugh’s credentials and “fidelity to the Constitution,” Hmm, I didn’t realize “fidelity to the Constitution,” means “loyalty oath” these days.


The Republican-dominated SCOTUS is corrupt to the very core. This was never more clear than on the day they stopped the re-count in Florida in 2000 to ensure that Bush became President.

Did the Democrats do anything in the following 16 years?


And they won’t do anything now, either. Even when women and doctors are jailed or executed for having or performing abortions. The Republicans think abortion is murder, you know. And they love the death penalty.

Nothing we can do.


This seat was bought and paid for months ago.


But I didn’t think they were in to collusion. Now I’m really confused.

“fidelity to the Constitution,”…that trump cant be indicted

Democrats did not learn a thing from the corrupt 2000 decision in Bush v Gore. Scalia, Thomas and Souter should’ve automatically recused because the case involved the son of the man who served as POTUS or VPOTUS of the administration that appointed them to the high court. The decision was even worse, a complete perversion and hollowing out of the 14th amendment.

The Supreme Court is a corrupt institution. For most of its existence (save 50 years) it has been a tool to impose Christian Nationalism and maintain corporate and white privilege in the country. What Kennedy did here is thoroughly corrupt. The big punts he made in the voter rights cases and the decisions he made in the Bakerman and Travel Ban decisions were intended to curry favor with Trump to appoint his replacement. Trump was eager to replace Kennedy because of his fear of recusal (due to the relationship with Justin Kennedy) and a resulting 4-4 court.

Democrats need to wake up and realize the GOP isn’t playing fair. They’re in this to preserve white privilege.


Actually, it is to preserve white male privilege

And many Democrats are in it for that reason, too.

For example, why do you think the first caucus is held in Iowa (88.2% white, 3% black) and the first primary in New Hampshire (91.9% white, 1.2% black)?

The country as a whole is 63.3% white and 12.6% black.

The problem is not the voters, it is the system.

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Well, consulting with Sean Hannity on a Supreme Court pick is surely getting input from diverse sources.

This is interesting…

As we wrote after Justice Anthony Kennedy announced his retirement late last month, what makes this Supreme Court fight different from the ones during the Bush or Obama years is the Mueller probe. The president’s 2016 campaign — and the president himself — is under investigation for its possible ties to Russian interests.

And if there’s a significant development in the next month (another indictment, guilty plea, or battle over a subpoena), Democrats could argue that the president shouldn’t be able to appoint a justice to the court who will probably have to rule on some aspect of the Mueller probe. And that becomes even more potentially explosive given Kavanaugh’s article in 2009.


Hard for average persons to see the Sup Ct as corrupt, but cases you note are the proof.
And just as they picked a president they’ll find an “excuse” to let Trump off of Mueller’s hook. I see it coming. They just may make the Mueller investigation null or stillborn in some way.

Anyone who doesn’t think this can happen had just recall how we never thought they would pick a president either.

For months, my daughter, a seasoned defense lawyer who follows the Sup Ct has been speculating that Trump would find a way to stack the Court for his get out of jail ticket. Looks like it’s happening.


Two things about this Kavanaugh dude. What country in its right mind appoints a guy named Brett to is supreme court, no offense to Bretts, but seriously?

Second, he has to have the most punchable face EVER. How the hell did he survive grade school?

Okay, let me get this straight…

At the same time that Kennedy was acting as the deciding vote or a slew of cases important to Trump (e.g the third iteration of the Muslim ban), he was personally negotiating his retirement with Trump himself?


This was a clear conflict of interest, and IMHO corrupt on Kennedy’s part, and no decision that he participated in from the time he first met with Trump can be considered legitimate.


This has a nasty odor about it: Kennedy retires, and all of the sudden we learn his son may have influenced Deutchebank lending to Kushner, and now we find Kennedy retired ONLY AFTER he got assurances from Agent Orange to nominate Kennedy’s choice to succeed him.

The legitimacy of the court and judiciary overall is further eroded by the GOP

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