Discussion: Issa To Obama: Deport Dreamers

Discussion for article #224627

He’s dreaming, of course. A “Dreamer” if you will.



What’s a matter Darrel you and you Republican cohorts finaly figured out that you will never get the latino vote as long as the Dems keep pushing for reform and doing what is right?


…as if the HouseTrashingJuvenile TeaLinquents would foot the bill…


The only proper response to invite Issa to go to Hell.


More GOP Hispanic outreach. Please proceed.


Someone really needs to sit the Republicans down and explain to them very slowly and in words of one or two syllables just what “outreach to minorities” means. Perhaps it could be accompanied by a Power Point presentation written in crayon.


Dear Darrell:

Just thought you should know someone has gotten hold of your stationery and is using it to send stupid letters.



I’ve come to the conclusion that the Republican Party spent so many years preaching this “every man for himself” ideology that its got a party full of people who refuse to put the party above their own self-interest. Issa, in his lily white district, can say these things without ever having to worry about them coming back to bite him on the ass, but it further damages the already horrible relationship his party has with the fastest growing demographic. Mainstream America may never hear these comments but these things are heavily reported in the Spanish language media. Mainstream America may have missed Obama’s announcement that he plans to address immigration with executive orders, but all of the Spanish language TV channels cut into the middle of regular programming to air the president’s remarks. Latinos, like Blacks, are hearing exactly what they say about them.
What’s worse is that guys like Issa and Gohmert continually gin up their already racist, batshit base when they demonize the undocumented. They just keep throwing out more and more red meat to people who are so full of red meat they’re like that poor man who died from gluttony in the movie Seven. So, even if it becomes critical that they pass something on immigration reform, even if it’s do or die, they can’t do it because of the backlash they’d get from the base. It’s confounding yet much appreciated by Democrats.


Issa’s attitude is uncharitable and unchristian. As one of the richest and most fortunate countries on the planet, I’d like to see our government and citizens extend a helping hand to kids whose lives in their native countries are so bad they risked life and limb to get to the land of the free and the home of the brave. If we chose to welcome these kids, I think they would find that many Americans are a lot more generous than the evil Republicans in the House - some have relatives in the US who could help them, and I believe that many Americans would be more than willing to open their doors to the others.


Is he a Christian? I know he’s Lebanese, but of what religious persuasion? Anyone know?

The claim by the WSJ that the GOP House is dropping all pretense of passing immigration reform is due to Cantor’s defeat is ludicrous on its face. They were never going to pass it, because they are so cowardly and they are clinging so tightly to their $174,000 yearly salary (not to mention the perks of getting flown for free all over the world without having to report them any longer) that they are deathly afraid of losing a primary election.

They are the real ‘yellow peril’ – they have a yellow streak up their backs a mile wide.

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I think that’s the one thing Boehner desperately want to avoid because he knows it would be the end of the road for the GOP. Voters who don’t even like Obama would turn on them. Even our hilarious excuse for a media would turn on them. It would be a disaster that would elevate Obama’s approval rating while simultaneously exposing all the lies they’ve told about him. Boehner probably gets that, and that why he’s suing the president. It’s a way of keeping the barbarians at the gate before they destroy the party. The problem is that when they lose, it will just ratchet up the calls for impeachment.

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Look. You can’t blame him. He’s just trying to protect us. A lot of car thieves and arsonists happen to be Dreamers.


I probably should have left out the Christian reference. I think pretty much all religions are charitable, and they’re all willing to extend a helping hand to those in need. I don’t know what happened to the right-wing extremists - I think that at one time, they were just as generous as everyone else. Something beat every ounce of compassion and empathy out of those people, and it’s a shame. It’s not the American way to get to the top, and then pull up the ladder.

Deport Issa!

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If Lebanese Americans had to translate their last names into the English equivalent (something Iowa’s Steve King would probably back) Issa’s name would translate to Jesus. I don’t think that this proposal is something that Jesus would do though. Although considering the large number of Latinos with the first name of Jesus it looks like Issa would do it to Jesus.


Somehow I don’t think “Deport more people or we’ll resort to lawsuits” is going to be a successful political strategy outside of the gerrymandered congressional districts that Republicans theoretically should already be winning anyway.

Seriously, when a political party goes to extreme lengths to gerrymander themselves into a safe House majority, and then have to resort to even crazier stunts to defend that House majority, it’s probably a sign that they’re in serious trouble.

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Milt Shook debunks the gerrymandering myth:


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I agree with you, except for the part about being on the top. A lot of red meaters are feeling the pain of a squeeze on the middle class. It’s what generates tax rage, which in turn generates resentment against those perceived to benefit from public spending, which in this case generates nativism. It’s a shame, and it’s indicative of a poorly educated, emotionally fragile constituency, but don’t tell me that the millions of Tea Party-friendly folks in the USA (see: http://www.irehr.org/issue-areas/tea-party-nationalism/tea-party-news-and-analysis/item/527-status-of-tea-party-by-the-numbers) are all economically, “on the top.” They aren’t. We are actually all in the same rocking middle class lifeboats. The difference is they blame who they are told to blame by some very manipulative operators.