Discussion for article #241597
I believe he’s going home this weekend to soul search
That could be a long and futile exercise.
I have a feeling that Ryan’s searching is pretty much over. Obviously, I could be wrong but I really believe that he thinks he can go much farther politically than a bid for Speaker. Senator or even POTUS but he knows, damn well and good, that even if could control this group of rabid hyenas, it would be the end of his political career.
Soul searching?
Don’t you have to have one first?
Dammit TPM this one’s OBVIOUS,
I agree. I may disagree with Ryan and everything he stands for but I don’t think the man is STUPID. Taking the Speakership with a roomfull of THESE clowns is like giving up on life.
If Ryan is elected Speaker the office will become a burning tire around is neck. I hope he goes for it.
Translation: “Paul Ryan will beseech his Dark Masters the Koch Bros. to see if THEY want him as Speaker or not.”
I was going to say…searched for his soul and found nothing, but you got there first!
The Issa plan has to be this: “try” to get Ryan to run (while ferventy hoping he won’t do it), then Monday cry crocodile tears over the refusal and selflessly offer his own services.
What choice does he have as true “patriot.”
Lord, somebody cue the organist…so the messiah’s in the Garden of Whatsinitformee where, no doubt, Satan or Boehner will tempt him 3 times???
And there it is…
He’s crafting the price he’ll extract for doing it.
EDIT: I stand corrected, he said no again.
"You cannot sell your soul twice!!!" - Satan
Breaking: Just saw on MSNBC feed that Ryan has again said ‘NO’ after his morning session with the Rethugs who fervently want Zombie Eyes to run.
“Soul searching weekend?” rotflmao
Sorry Repukes! You’re going to have to suck a lot more KOCH’! and…Ryan’s ass needs a LOT more kissing! Put on the chapstick and pucker up! It’s gonna’ be a long weekend.
So they will beg him to run … but if he so much as whispers any words regarding finding a collaborative path forward for the good of the entire country, - - they will turn on him in a nano-second and eat his flesh.
Issa only wants what he can’t have. He’s pathological THAT way and quite a few others.
Well that didn’t take long. Not much of a soul to search.
Well, this statement by Issa was rather absurd. This is something the person in question says, not a guy who wants the person in question to run.
Issa didn’t speak to Ryan before this comment, and he certainly isn’t his spokesperson. He just really, really wants Ryan to “save the day”.
Do you believe in magic?
“Issa said earlier on Friday that he would “potentially” consider running for speaker”… “if only my own past soul searches found anything potentially resembling one,” he admitted in a moment of Kevin McCarthy-like honesty.