Discussion: Israeli Ambassador Praises Anti-Muslim Conspiracy Theorist At Award Ceremony

Does this mean Frank can move out of the fridge box under the bridge?


I guarantee you that the Orange Shitgibbon has promised Netenyahu that he will bomb Iran at the first possible opportunity (after manufacturing a version of the “Gulf of Tonkin Incident” to provide cover.)
The Israeli’s will help of course, solidifying the Radical Muslim view of the USA as a Zionist Stooge and increasing ISIS/Al Queada memberhips by 10,000% overnight.
Thus begins the war that drives up the cost of Russian/Saudi Oil to $400/barrel (pleasing Putin to no end) and filling the coffers of both the Oil Companies and the Military Industrial Congressional Complex with government money so fast they won’t know what to do with it.
So thousands of innocent Americans die in an unrelenting series of terrorist attacks and outright war with Iran, at least Trump can then declare Martial Law and dispense altogether with those pesky “Constitutional Protections” that stand in the way of his glory, and profit while the Evangelicals scream “Onward Christian Soldiers” and the ignorant masses help fire up the ovens for the “non-believers” who don’t support Our Glorious Christian Leader Herr Trump.
It happened before, it can happen again, easier than you think.


So Trump’s Middle East Muslim guy just gave an award to one of the illuminati? I thought Trump was anti-illuminati?

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I guess that’s why he doesn’t need a new Air Force 1 + 1.

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“Well, if you have enemies, Frank, it’s because you have stood up for something, many times in your life.”

It may also be because you are an unmitigated asshole.


“The enemy we face is not militancy and it’s not Islam – it’s militant Islam.”

No, it’s hate.

Enflamed by partisan bigots like Gaffney…

Abetted by Machiavellian opportunists like Dermer…

Aided by neo-Nazis like Bannon…

And championed by conniving demagogues like Trump.


Israeli Ambassador Praises Anti-Muslim Conspiracy Theorist At Award Awkward Ceremony



I’d say it’s all but a guarantee. All the pieces are in place…Israel’s asshole leader, our fascist, illegitimate President-Elect. Exxon head running State Dept, John Bolton as Deputy Sec-state whose been advocating to invade Iran since…forever…Iran being an untapped resource for companies like Exxon…

If I was still into sports betting like I used to be as a younger, more foolish man, Vegas probably wouldn’t even take bets on it because it’s that much of a sure thing.


Or at least give Netanyahu the “go ahead”

Either way it will be American made military equipment doing the bombing.

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Sadly, this may be the one area where having all those Putin sycophants is helpful as Russia has close ties with Iran

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“Dermer’s acceptance of an award from Gaffney’s group sounded alarms when it was announced in November”

Why? Israel’s descent into fascism has been more than publicly and widely documented. Oh wait…that’s right…it’s also been deliberately ignored and papered over with propaganda by the MSM and our own gov’t…


I hate to quibble, but…

I think it is actually Greed.

Hate (like religion) is just the tool to satisfy Greed.

Whether that be greed for money/power (trump,putin) or land/power over others (Netanyahu)


Damn liberal media…


If Dermer can take time to show up for this crackpot organizations award what’s to stop the German or Italian ambassador to attend an American neo-fascist gathering.

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Well here comes the next war in the middle east fueled by Trump, Netanyahu and The Likud.
Maybe with nukes this time .
Did you see Netanyahu on 60 minutes ?
He is just itching to have a go at Iran . With Trump and the Panel of experts he’s assembled he may get his wish.


dermer butt sniffing trump. the wrong people are in power in israel, and soon to be us.

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Thus comes to past Nostradamus’ predictions that we are in the middle of a 25 year war with the Middle East, that Israel is nuked to ashes, that Russia and the US are on the same side and that China loses 4/5s of its population due to being on the wrong side. Resulting in a glorious 1000 years of peace and prosperity.

Of course nothing is mentioned that Climate Change no longer matters as the world’s population is reduced to a billion subsistence survivors who all glow a nice shade of green.


greed is the natural synonym for republican. it is the basis for all of their thinking. if i had a dollar or better yet if i had your dollar.