Discussion for article #232493
But will President Romney meet with Bibi while he is here?
The Networks however, will be playing THIis along with the clip of his speech
It’s their sacred duty.
Sorry, you lose. You didn’t give a courtesy heads up to the Administration which was voted into office by the American public, twice.
And when he spoke of this “Sacred Duty” did he indicate it was for the “Glorious Leader”? What country are we talking about here?
“the one and only Jewish state,” arguably, but isn’t Israel supposed to be a secular state, or is the costume coming off?
That the Israeli Ambassador would support this speech is not surprising. It is his job. However, that John Boehner would act so recklessly is beyond the pall. The Israeli government is determined to act like they are the victims, but the facts of history show a far different story, and when the US and five other nations are working with Iran to stop their nuclear program to insure Israel’s safety, Israel and Boehner are putting it all at risk. Netanyahu wants a reason to attack Iran so he can get more military toys from the US, and if Iran backs out of the talks in Geneva because of this, he will have it.
But what many politicians do not accept, if they even know, is that a nuclear war in the Middle East is an End of Life Event for the world, even if the rest of the world were to stay out of the conflict. That Boehner is giving this war-mongering politician tacit support in an Israeli election and accepting as fact all that Israel says about Iran without actually knowing the facts of what nuclear war would mean to the US is unsupportable and not just a breach of protocol, but possibly a breach of national security.
This speech is wrong and it is extremely dangerous for not only Americans, but for the world. Netanyahu’s sacred duty is to stop war in the 21st Century and learn to make peace with his neighbors, because until he does that the Arab nations have no reason to work to find peace or stop terrorists. But as long as he can play the political and religious victim card before Congress and the American people, I guess Boehner will play his game. Sadly, the rest of us and the world will pay the price.
He defended Netanyahu’s speech as the prime minister’s “sacred duty” given the existential threat that Iran would be to Israel if it acquired nuclear weapons.
More like “the threat that Israel would not be able to bully anyone they chose in the Middle East with impunity” if Iran acquired nuclear weapons.
Nuclear weapons are a deterrent. When you have them, your rivals have no choice but to consider that their provocations may have serious consequences.
And don’t give me that “Iran is psycho, they’ll destroy the world if they get nukes!!” crapola. North Korea has nukes. North Korea is considered certifiably psycho. Has South Korea disappeared or been nuked into submission?
Pakistan has nukes. India has nukes. Both are bitter rivals. Pakistan is considered “psycho”. Yet both stand un-nuked. What gives?
Israel sounding the alarm of “OMG IRAN NUKES BAD WORLD ENDS EVIL STOP STOP STOP!” is just them covering up the fact that it would cause them a serious loss of power and leverage.
Letting one off is a low probability event, not a zero probability event. We have gone 70 years without an incident, With proliferation, I’d bet against going another 70.
President Obama should expell him, just because!
Well is anyone going to say this man’s opinion is not political and selfish? He’s a hard core GOP’er supporter. This is as much an attempt to jack with Obama as it is anything to do with Israeli security. It’s the selfish thing I find objectionable. This isn’t just about Israel. It’s about the USA too. And we have a right to tell Israel to shove off if they don’t want to recognize that. If the Iran / Israel thing blows up we’ll be drug into the biggest military mess since WW2. Obama has a right to address this as an American problem too.
The American President has a right to conduct foreign policy without cow towing to Congress, Israel or anyone else. Let’s call this what it is: Netanyahu is teaming up with Obama’s political opponents in the USA in a joint attack on him. That’s what this is. It’s intent is to disrupt foreign policy as Obama wants it and force the USA to do it Bibi’s way.
Dude really wants to keep his cushy ambassadorship.
It might be Netanyahu’s sacred duty to get U.S. citizens to die in defense of Israel but I’ll be goddamned if its my sacred duty or my son’s or daughters’ to go along. The U.S. would be INSANE to participate in military action against Iran, with or without a nuclear weapon.
He’s going to stop his campaign and come to DC to meet with Bibi. It’s his sacred duty.
Assuming that happens, it won’t be nation vs. nation unless the one in the superior position pushes the inferior into a corner.
It will instead be a rogue player.
Really kind of enjoying watching these guys attempt in ever more desperate fashion to justify Netanyahu’s effrontery. At first I thought he should back out of the speech, but now I think I’d rather he go through with it, so his support can continue to slowly but steadily leak away with each new statement against Boehner and Bibi. By the time March rolls around, he will have been pretty much universally condemned, which should make it easier for the other candidates in the March 17 elections.
The only “Sacred Duty” Netanyahu has sworn to is reelection.
The push-back has commenced. The big problem here is that Netanyahu risks turning Israel into a partisan Republican issue.
Netanyahuu, Boener and buddies are right wing hacks working for their own ends and not their respective nations.
This move just connects partisans without doubt and in typical right wing fashion is the dead opposite of what they claim.
Dear Ambassador Whosis:
Congress is not a “parliament.” The U.S. has separation of powers and our legislature, which is not a parliament and whose members are not and may not be cabinet secretaries, does not control or direct the foreign policy of the United States. Rather, the President of the United States who is (usually, as a practical matter, if not technically) directly elected to his office by the people of the United States, controls foreign policy.
So, what I’m saying here is that your logic is specious, your ignorance, feigned or real, is conspicuous, your conduct is more befitting the behavior of a hostile power than the ambassador of a nation that never misses an opportunity to call itself our ally notwithstanding the lack of any treaty of alliance between our nations, and your leader’s conduct in aligning himself with a particular party in a two party system is destructive of your nation’s long term interests. Oh, and if you’re harboring any pipe dreams that this idiocy is going to sever the traditional political alignment of American Jews with the Democratic Party, you’re really smoking the good stuff. if anything, it’s far more likely to end their willingness to put up with the claims of a particular U.S. organization closely aligned with a single Israeli party to represent them and their views.
BTW hehe…told you this would backfire all the way back when it was first announced and everyone was breathlessly reporting about what a genius snubbing maneuver it was on the part of Boehner and Netty. Obama will, yet again, have the last laugh.