Discussion: Israeli Airstrike Collapses Gaza Apartment Tower

Discussion for article #226794

"“In the end we will win,” he said Saturday. “This is a test of staying power and strength.”

No. Only cowardice, that of children in uniforms who like to shoot.



the state of being mentally ill, especially severely.
synonyms: insanity, mental illness, dementia, derangement; More
antonyms: sanity
extremely foolish behavior.
plural noun: madnesses
“it is madness to allow children to roam around after dark”
synonyms: folly, foolishness, idiocy, stupidity, insanity, lunacy, silliness; informalcraziness
“it would be madness to do otherwise”
a state of frenzied or chaotic activity.
“from about midnight to three in the morning it’s absolute madness in here”
synonyms: bedlam, mayhem, chaos, pandemonium, craziness, uproar, turmoil, disorder, all hell broken loose, (three-ring) circus
“it’s absolute madness in here”

Ethnic cleansing by attrition.


Don’t worry, I’m sure it was a “terror apartment”

Henk Zanoli, one of “Righteous Among the Nations” for saving a young Jew during the war, just gave back his medal after civilian members of his family living in Gaza were killed by the IDF.


I wish they’d allow the children to negotiate. I think children would get the job done.


This is madness
Both sides have shown they cannot live together.
The whole of the middle east is filled with madness and violence. Muslim kills Muslim. Muslim kills Jew. Jew kills Muslim.
ISIS (or whatever they want to be called today) goes beyond brutality.
Israel blows up apartments.
New terrorists are made.
Hatred wins.
It’s just madness.


In the end what will come of this is more hatred and terrorism. This isn’t winning… whoever said that “in the end we will win” is wrong.

I guess supporters of this Israeli policy think that none of the people whose homes were destroyed are innocent. I’m sure all this wanton destruction and indiscriminate killing will make everyone nice and safe.

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Occupation breeds brutality in those who hold power.

Israel has transformed itself from a just nation into a pariah state the very likes of South Africa and Rhodesia in their darkest days.

Our politicians are both bought off and coerced when it comes to blind obeidience to Israel. Its up to us to boycott Israeli products, divest in any funds that invest in Israel and call upon our elected officials to sanction Israel for the international laws they have been violating for decades.

Each of us pays and helps protect Israel as they oppress others and incite wars by their racist actions.


I am so disgusted by Israel’s actions that I tend to look away from what is happening in this area. As the combatant with by far the greatest amount of technology and firepower, they have the responsibility to use it with moderation and in a way that doesn’t kill massive numbers of human beings. This they have utterly failed to do. So much so, that they seem to take pride in all the destruction they are causing.

I care not if I am labelled anti-semitic. In fact, I would now consider that term, as it pertains to the State of Israel, to be an accurate description of my point of view.

War: first, one hopes to win; then one expects the enemy to lose; then, one is satisfied that the enemy too is suffering; in the end, one is surprised that everyone has lost.


Israel must be made aware that the world won’t tolerate this any longer. You can not simply “occupy” a country forever. They have two options. The first is annex the Gaza and or the West Bank and then grant equal rights of citizenship. The second is allow them to go free.

Gaza has offered to allow international forces to maintain the integrity of the border with Israel and Egypt. They are willing to allow international forces to serve as customs and weapons inspectors at ports of entry.

What can be said, and should be said, has already been said, many times by many different voices.

It’s time for the United Nations, with the support of the United States instead of its opposition, to insist on making Gaza and the West Bank UN protected zones. UN troops, including large contingents of Americans and Canadians, will guarantee Israel that no more attacks against Israel-within-the-Green-Line will occur from Gaza and the West Bank. In return, Israel will guarantee to stop all economic and travel blockades/restrictions of Palestinians and the Palestinian territorys. (I specifically call for US and Canadian troops because many of the illegal settler-zealots in the West Bank come from North America; they are our mutual problem.)

The UN troops should initially have expanded police powers and responsibilitys within the UN protected zones beyond those customary for UN “peacekeepers”. The UN should work to restore an effective Palestinian civilian governing presence with its own effective police force throughout both protected zones and then transfer the policing responsibility to them from the UN troops.
However, UN troops will continue to monitor all border crossing checkpoints after the policing transfer for compliance by both sides. For their part, Israel will permanently remove all IDF and other government personnel from the entirety of the Gaza and West Bank UN protected zones. Complaints of criminal activity against Israel emanating from the UN protected zones will be directed to the UN and Palestinian authoritys in situ for their criminal investigation and resolution. Israel would be prohibited from unilaterally entering or attacking the UN protected zones, although Israeli police officials may be requested to assist UN/Palestinian police officials on specific cases. Any unilateral intervention by Israel into the UN protected zones can, and should be regarded as an act of war. The UN and Canadian troops are in situ to act as a tripwire against such an action, just as a contingent of American troops are still stationed in South Korea.

The West Bank settlements built beyond the Green Line will be within the UN protected zone where the IDF is no longer permitted to go. The settlers who remain in the UN protected zone will be subject to UN/Palestinian authority, governance and protection.

United States funding, military and tacit political support of Israel’s actions after the 1967 War has greatly contributed to the present, murderous impasse. Accordingly, the US has a special burden to guarantee a just and peaceful existence to residents of Israel and the remaining areas of Palestine beyond the Green Line. Masquerading as an “honest broker” while acting as Israel’s “de facto lawyer” through many abortive “peace” negotiations has been a deadly sham, and is no longer enough of an effort.


In the long run, I think the only answer is a one state solution, where all citizens have equal rights regardless of ethnic or religious background.


See, tall steel buildings do collapse from fire…ROCKET FIRE


Gettin’ pretty Grozny over there.

most of you here are full of shit and a bunch of hypocrites if a country was shooting rockets at yuor homes you would be the first to cry, first of all Hamas is a terrorist organization that uses people as shields so morons like you will support what they do. the rockets are aimed at civilian targets not military they are so interested in the people of Gaza that they spent hundreds of millions to build tunnels so they could kidnap or kill Israeli civilians. i guess you don’t remember ww2 how many civilians were killed by the USA you probably would have been bitching than. i am probably posting to a bunch of anti-Semites any way.

A warning missile? Who ever heard of such a thing.