Discussion: Israel Says It Will Expand Response If Gaza Clashes Go On


Do I detect a whiff of Bolton here?


I thought Bibi was going to jail for corruption. Why is he still there?


Funny thing about war, all those pesky “corruption” issues magically disappear when you start bombing your favourite targets. Can’t impeach a leader at war now can you…


So let me get this clear. They are firing live bullets at people who are throwing rocks at them, and threaten that they will do even worse if the protests and rock-throwing continue. Uh.

Because the anniversary of the country’s founding has to be peaceful.

And no one is home over here to even take official notice.

In other times and places this kind of behavior gets you an appointment in the Hague.


Republican conservatives, you do realize that “Israeli fire” would likely have killed or wounded Jesus today, right?


More hostility from the Israelis is a given. Bibi really needs the distraction from his and his families corruption.


Protests are just an excuse to kill Palestinians, expand the border and build more Zionist Colonies. Hmmm … could Trumps admiration of Netanyahu lead to a renewal of Manifest Destiny along our border with Mexico?

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There were 30,000 protesters. How else should Israel respond? Also, don’t you know that Israel withdrew completely from Gaza and forcibly removed Jews living in border settlements? Not only are there no “Zionist Colonies,” there are no Jews either; they were chased out long before such settlements existed.

Hamas has no intention of making peace. It is their stated intention to destroy Israel and expel or kill all the Jews. Hamas is also into the 11th year of its 4-year elected term to run the government; they don’t have much opposition since they often kill of their political opponents. Hamas is also feuding with the Palestinian Authority over money, which is why the electrical system is intermittent. You just keep feeding into their unwillingness to blame themselves for their predicament.

I don’t get what Trump thinks he’s accomplishing. None of his people understand what’s going on in the world.

The auto industry doesn’t want this; and will just ignore it, as other countries will not buy these American cars if they do not meet the Climate Control Treaty guidelines. Big Oil is just backing itself into the corner. All car manufacturers will just use these EPA standards as a reason to go to batteries faster.

Clean coal and dirty EPA standards are dinosaurs of the past, just like the Republicans will be if they don’t pull Trump back from these silly decisions that only make them look stupid.


Yes, you do. Bolton plans to send Jared in first, just for appearances, before Bibi starts the bombing.


Then it will be unending war which will someday result in a massive nuclear explosion that physically ends Israel for good. The Jews will again be on the move with no safe haven in a world which is fast becoming white supremacist and hostile to those not Christian Right.

You know how conservatives must have scapegoats to which to blame their mistakes. So don’t think that the US will be open to Israeli exiles. Donald is locking the doors to any who are not Norwegians and can prove it with the right DNA. Either you work with the Palestinians to give them some peace or they will send your descendants to hell.


Maybe I’m blind, but in the videos, I didn’t see any protesters armed with anything beyond rocks.


Israel should respond by ending the blockade, the occupation, and the settlements, for starters.


A lot of folks on the “religious right” have a lot more in common with the Pharisees than with that upstart rabble-rouser.


“Faster, Israel! Kill! Kill!”

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LMFAO they will expand them regardless…or make up a reason to kill more residents.

This is so fucking depressing.