Discussion for article #227717
Hmm, would it be blasphemous to say that ISIS and Conservatives are on the same page when it comes to schools? And everyone denies “American Taliban” as a group.
Welcome to Kansas!
And there you have it. They’re all alike.
Ladies and gentlemen- a view of what America will look like if the Christian Conservatives get their way!
Or Texass, or Oklahomophobia, or Missery
The baggers and bible thumpers are working hard to get this country headed in the same direction.
Obviously the main reason wingnuts want to bomb the hell out of them is that they don’t like the competition.
Nice to see they’ve joined us (or at least Republicans) in the modern world.
More like they’re catching up to us.
Where have we heard this before? There has been an attempt to establish a Christain caliphate in America for some time and it is scary. Textbooks being changed to reflect the religious right’s take on history. Science being discarded in favor of bibilcal stories. This duck character on Hannity declaring that we either “convert or kill” muslims. Someone please tell me the difference between what is happening in Mosul and what is happening here?
Kansas, Texas, ISIS…what’s the diff?
Hey! Kansas has been the home state of a number of very amazing people! Amelia Erhardt. Dr. Walt and Dr. Karl Menninger. Pres. Eisenhower. VP Charles Curtis (the 1st and only Native American elected to the VP). Kansas is the state where the interstate highway system first began. We’re home to Brown v Board of Ed, and also home to where the civil war all began with Bloody Kansas. We’re a Free State! Coleman Hawkins. Langston Hughes. Gordon Jump. Gordon Parks. All from Kansas. Don’t lump all of Kansas in with the few (albeit visible) nut cases that every other state has in greater proportion. For the past ten years, I’ve been asking myself what’s the matter with North Carolina! And Texas??? That sate should be a whole other country!
Sorry to be so defensive, but I’m proud to call myself a Kansan. Just don’t you dare call me a Jayhawk!
Looks like somebody borrowed their entire education policies from the Christian conservative fascists in AMERICA and they will ordering their text books from TEXAS.
No art, music or the teaching of critical thinking skills PLUS revisionist history, political and religious programming and the elimination of science courses that do not fit their ideology.
See what conservatives did when they exported their brand of “exceptionalism” to the Muslim world?
I must be stupid. Am I the only reader who neither knows (nor cares) what a fucking caliphate is?
OMG! ISIS is the Tea Party??!!!
Phooey on religious extremists and all their ilk!
They are just like evangelical christians. Remind me now, what is the difference
I had to look it up
And yet your state has not voted for a democrat for president
ISIS-Baggers fusion ticket 2016.