Discussion for article #237492
Is Rachel Dolezal ‘Crazy’?
Better question, is the media having a mutual orgasm over this story?
Nope. I knew we’d be treated to this analysis at some point, but I somewhat disagree. We talk about her being mentally ill because of the behavior she engaged in, not because of her claim to “identify as black.” The lying, the deception, the threatening of her brother not to “blow her cover”, the bizarre abandonment of her parents and her own heritage, etc. This isn’t “lady must be nuts to want to be black”…it’s “lady must be nuts to behave like that.” And frankly, I take umbrage with the characterization of that assumption, i.e., that she’s suffering some form of mental or emotional illness because of her self-denial, self-loathing and maladaptive behavior, as “making excuses” or “giving her a free pass.” Mental illness is one of the most staining stigmas in our culture and, I have to admit, I wondered all day yesterday, while we talked about it in those terms, whether we’d be getting treated to a lambasting for how insensitive it is to those who are actually mentally ill for us to jump to that stigmatization of someone. But no, of course, “you’re making excuses for white people” had to come first.
But hey, two can play at this game: in a country and a media that often treats having a “culture” and an “ethnicity” to celebrate as meaning “non-white” or “non-anglo” or whatever…as if all the white mutts out there (like myself), who make up the majority of this country, have been bleached of any honorable, identifiable cultural heritage…what might we expect to happen? I’m not saying that from the sort of Teatrolly hyperbole perspective either, so don’t misinterpret.
LIbTARDs is CraZY. FLUid Gender. Now FLUid raCE? TODay I’m feELing LIke A MExicaN girl. FIrst I’m GOing to tAKe a SHOwer IN the LAdies ROOM theN geT AN OHbuMMerphone.
It’s striking that wondering about Dolezal’s motivation for passing as African American must include an armchair diagnosis of mental health disorders, as if that is the only reason why a person would want to lead a black life.
I think this is a strawman argument. I haven’t read many comments or articles suggesting one would have to be crazy to want to lead a black life. Rather people think that she is crazy because of the false claims that she is black, the false hate crime allegations, the false story that she was raised in teepee and had to hunt for food, the false story that she was baboon whipped based on skin color as a child, etc. It is the socipathic construction of an entirely false history that makes her crazy, not her desire to be black.
Precisely. It struck me as a deliberate misinterpretation of why people were bandying about the “mental illness” talk so the article could be written in the first place, launching into a diatribe about white people making excuses for white people, as if that gross generalization applied to this situation makes any sense. We have a fact set here containing years and years of inexplicable behavior marked by incredible inconsistencies, indecision, hypocrisy, lying, hiding, fabrications, etc., some of which could arguably qualify as tortious or even criminal (e.g., if she filed false statements with the police or arguably defrauded the NAACP to get her job), and people frequently look at that kind of pattern of anti-social behavior and slap a colloquial “mental illness” label on it. it had nothing to do with “she must be crazy to want to be black.” No, she must be crazy to behave like she did for a couple decades.
Haven’t we beaten this story to death yet? Is anyone else sick of stories about her. I am done.
She’s a con artist.
Probably a sociopath.
The real question is how fucking stupid are the honchos at that NAACP chapter to not figure that out right away.
As a general rule, anyone who claims not to be crazy probably is.
My first reaction to this story was that her seeming inability to tell the truth was more of a potential problem for her employer than her ethnicity. Now it appears that there was so much going on in her life that she had to be careful about what she revealed because she knew that it was all unraveling. Weird stuff.
Yossarian? Is that you?
It’s also into police investigations at this point.
I don’t know about Rachel Dolezal, but with 5 articles about this just this morning someone at TPM is venturing into crazyland.
So, are we supposed to start referring to Rachel Dolezal as “Trans-Black?”
Yes, it demeans the meaning of mental illness to use it in this case. There are people who are really schizophrenic, and she’s not one. She is a grifter and an opportunist.
Crazy? Yeah, like a fox.
Orr? shhhhh.
She has real issues for sure but all these stories about her are just over the top. This woman is not a political figure and elected as the head of the Spokane NAACP chapter does not qualify her as such. The MSM keeps failing on a day to day basis, filling up air time and space on a silly story
Apparently the answer is yes
It’s called an “Identity Crisis”.
Took her awhile but she’s now on the TV giving interviews…
I read somewhere she’ s planning a books
“Black Unlike Me”.
or “Diary of a Mad Unblack Woman”