Discussion: Is Nicki Minaj the Dolly Parton of Hip Hop?

Discussion for article #232011

Ick .

I know nothing about Nicki Minaj but I love me my Dolly Parton.
Talk about feminine empowerment, she did it better than anyone and against greater odds.
Whitney Houston may always be remembered for “I Will Always Love You” but Dolly Parton gets the writing royalties for it.
And her version is, by far, superior.

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I don’t know much about the hip hop culture but if being eminently unlikable and abrasive can build a following, brand and an empire then the opening of Minajwood is a future reality.


The VH1 comparison was incredibly superficial and just plain ridiculous. Unfortunately this article doesn’t provide any further insight or clarification of that comparison. I fail to see how Nicki Minaj is providing any real kind of empowerment to black women (or even women in general). What is Minaj’s message to young women, exactly? As @stephen_maturin mentions above, Dolly Parton overcame truly great odds in an exclusively male-dominated industry (I disagree with the “low-brow” dismissal of her genre) to build her own empire.

Also, Islands in the Stream is like Anaconda? Really?

you said it yourself. hiphop is also a male-dominated industry

Sorry, but Minaj’s way was paved by other women hip-hop artists that came well before her. Women with a much better claim to the Parton comparison than Minaj. Again, the only reason here for the comparison is their physical similarities, that’s about it.

She’s EXACTLY like Dolly Parton, without the “burden” of stage presence. Hat tip to Martin Short.

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So this essay manages to be feminist and sexist and have bewbs and seminal vaginal phallic whipped cream too. Empty fluff.

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Is popcorn the new steak? I don’t think so.

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