Discussion: Is It Time To Boycott Haley Barbour Over His Racist Remarks?

Discussion for article #230075

Yeh! and while were at it

Let’s Girlcott $ister$arah

I am growing really tired of these southern politicians who thinly veil their racism behind code words like ‘states rights’ or walking back comments with, “Well you misunderstand what I tried not to say”.

I say let every wingnut who espouses secession or wants to eliminate the federal government move to Texas or Mississippi and let 'em leave. No, seriously, REALLY leave. Then after the first hurricane season without Daddy Federal Aid coming to their rescue again they’ll come back, tail between their legs, all “Where’s my federal disaster money?!?”

Whining idiots.

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The Republic of India or as Haley calls them, The Republic of Dot-Head Cow-Kissers…

That time has long since passed. I would settle for the media ignoring him at this point. It’s not news or even noteworthy when an old, white, southerner says something racist. It’s par for the course.


Boycott him? Haley Barbour could be the Governor of his state tomorrow, if he chose. (I’m not sure of MS’s term limits law…)
He speaks for most of a good portion of this nation, now.
Take a look at the election results - of the 37% who could be bothered to vote, over half of them want a party that thinks, acts and speaks as he does. He’s not any more reprehensible than millions of others… he’s just more successful at it.

"In 2010, asked about growing up in the midst of Jim Crow segregation, Barbour told the Weekly Standard, a conservative magazine: ‘I just don’t remember it as being that bad.’ ”

Perhaps because none of the Barbour klan ever had the privilege of being “strange fruit.”