Discussion: Iraq Foreign Minister: Iraq Faces 'Mortal Threat'

Discussion for article #223798

Headline: Iraq Foreign Minister: Iraq Faces 'Mortal Threat’

… which is why the tattered remnants of Iraq’s “government” will invite an invasion from their former blood-enemy-turned-best-friend Iran.

How’s that hopie-changie thing workin’ out for ya’, neocons?

…and we didn’t even get the bazillions in oil that President Cheney promised us would make good our expenditures.

China got it instead.

Heckuva job, Cheney!

Iraq - the disaster that just keeps on giving.

The people who pressed for and launched the invasion of Iraq were simply too stupid and narrow-minded to conceive of the long-term consequences of their actions.

We will all be paying for this unbelievable mistake for decades to come.


Wondering what’s Obama’s foreign policy for Iraq and the middle east, if he even has any.

What happened to the once vaunted Kurd majority force there? Did we de-fang them to the point that they can’t police their own state any longer?

Should have turned the north into Kurdistan. Iraq is a fake country to begin with. Re-drawing it’s borders again would have been an improvement.

However, since Saddam, like Stalin sending Russians to Georgia, Ukraine and the Baltic states, helped boost the Arab population in the region, it would have been messy and bloody.

Or, we could have just stayed the fuck out to begin with and then it really wouldn’t have been any of our concern because our non-invasion wouldn’t have completely destabilized the “nation.”

Our allies (read: Turkey) and our enemies (Iran and Syria) both are adamantly against the creation of a Kurdistan, as the Kurds claim a large part of their countries. Others, like Azerbaijan, don’t want potential destabilizing effects from close proximity to a nation of Kurdistan.

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Especially since a unified Kurdistan would, in fact, dwarf Syria and the rump Iraqi state, and rival the remaining Iranian state, in land area, yeah.

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Unfortunately, they were neither too stupid, nor too narrow-minded - true stupidity can be forgiven, and narrow-mindedness can be taught better ways.

No, they were simply too apathetic to the potential for human suffering. Not that they couldn’t, or didn’t, see it coming - they just didn’t care.

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Ya, ya. But who cares. In the context of our illegal and immoral invasion, creating at least a semi-autonomous Kurdistan in the northern tier of the nation made sense. And since when do we really, I mean really care about what Turkey says? The same being true for Syria, which doesn’t really exist anymore either, and Iran. as for Azerbaijan . . . “shrug.”

The Turks are our regional partners against Russia and Syria. Therefore, we do care what they think.