Discussion: Iran To Europe: Do More To Save The Nuclear Deal!

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Merkel’s comments, and her defense of global diplomacy instead of a go-it-alone foreign policy, drew lengthy applause.


“I bring greetings from the 45th president of the United States of America, President Donald Trump.”
Not a peep was heard from the audience in response.
After a full four seconds of silence, Pence continued on with his speech.



That’s because the whole world watched Trump’s insane performance on Thursday and have no fear or respect for a clown…


“On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.” Mencken
We got a twofer, Trump and Pence.


Europe, for self interest, has taken up the leadership of the West


The plain folks of the land voted for Clinton, the Electoral College which exists in no small part because some of the Founders shared Mencken’s elitist distrust of democracy is the reason Trump’s in office.


"The time has come for our European partners to withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal.”

“A learning experience is one of those things that say, ‘You know that thing you just did? Don’t do that’.” - Douglas Adams


Zarif also accused the U.S. administration of looking for regime change in Iran — something Washington denies

Actually, they don’t even bother to deny it any more, except when they’re talking to credulous patsies like the Associated Press who will uncritically spoon up and then regurgitate the bullshit stew over and over again.


We should be afraid, we should all be afraid. Who is controlling the madman? The harm he is doing is real, tangible and likely to be long-lasting.


Yes, you’re right… But on the other hand, Mencken’s not entirely wrong. Think Brexit. No electoral college involved there.

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slamming Washington as the “biggest source of destabilization” in the Middle East.

“Yes, but did you it occur to you to prevail on your ally to nominate you for the Nobel Prize? Betcha didn’t! I’m rubber you’re glue, everything you say sticks right back to you!”

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So basically we’re heading into a trade war with the EU by accident? You have to know that every banker in england is kicking themselve that they didn’t just shoot farage when they had the chance, because london would be poised to become the world’s finance center again…

Zarif is correct and the dotard cesspool are just parroting the ideology of an imbecile and his fools for autocratic rule and ignorance…thank you for reporting this…the truth will bring clarity to the uninformed , unfounded bigoted racism of the dotard cesspool.

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I wonder what the Middle East would look like today if The CIA and England hadn’t overthrown Mohammad Mosaddegh in 1953, if we hadn’t enabled Israel in stealing Palestine and then oppressing the Palestinians with a system of apartheid for the last 70 years.

I’d say it’s a subversion of the Electoral College that’s to blame. The system’s not designed for Electors who are such partisan zealots that they’d ignore their obligations to vote for the best candidate. At this point, though, that’s not getting undone… so we can only hope NPVIC gets a bit more traction. :confused:

It’d look about the same as anywhere else the UK didn’t meddle for their own prof-…hmm… uhm… so South America? Poor and fucked up, but not exactly a hotbed of entirely valid resentment against imperialist powers?

I guess it is perfectly possible, or even likely that Europe in the end will let the deal collapse, not willing go in to deeper conflict with USA because of Iran.

Presumably then Iran will restart its nuclear program in earnest then, so will either have nuclear Iran or major armed confrontation between Iran and USA/Israel. I think any request for assistance from EU by USA (or Israel, if it gets hit bad) would(or should) be answered basically by “You won, deal with it”.

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Do not think I so… Europe and the other Nations are not surrounded by thousands of miles of oceans, as we are…It is a good deal that Pres Obama sheparded with Iran. Who is still in compliance. Dotard dimbbulb dotard was just jealous of Pres. OBAMA’S RESPECT AND ACUMEN…HE GOT THING’S DONE…DRUMPF JUST RIPPED IT UP OUT OF CHILDISH IGNORANCE AND PIQUE.